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Sucking a cock with a condom ?

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Started by #296237 at 03,Sep,12 00:43
Hey guys

Just wanted to get your input-advice

I have a guy who wants to suck my cock but with a condom first. It's fine. I never done that before. I was told to buy the flavored condoms - Does that work with the guy sucking ? I know guys say better without a condom - but if I want to put one on - Any other suggestions ? Input ? thanks guys

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New Comment

By spermkiss at 04,Sep,12 19:27 other posts of spermkiss 
Oral sex, even including swallowing, is not a high risk activity. But if a cocksucker wants to put a condom on you before sucking your cock, let him. Since he's the one who wants it, let him get it and choose the kind he wants.

By #285812 at 04,Sep,12 18:51
I like to walk in the rain without each his own

By #254338 at 04,Sep,12 18:28

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