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I'm really, really really, absolutely, 100%, completely straight...

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Started by #303133 at 26,Sep,12 16:27
...except for the having sex with men part. Other than that, I am not at all gay. Okay, so I am married to a guy and I like to blow him as often as I can. What's so gay about that? Sure, I don't have sex with women, but I really like them...just not in know...NAKED kind of way. But they are awesome. Did I mention the fact that I really like sex with my man? Anyway, I am STRAIGHT and I am sticking to that. So there!

Similar topics: 1.Well Hello :)   2.Straight men that like cocks?   3."Completely": A Definition   4.Straight guys and giving head?   5.Straight guys; What's your price?  

New Comment

By #491031 at 10,Mar,16 18:24
These guys are completely "straight", too.
By mr_blue at 10,Mar,16 19:03 other posts of mr_blue 
By #491031 at 10,Mar,16 21:20
By mr_blue at 10,Mar,16 21:31 other posts of mr_blue 

By #435701 at 10,Mar,16 19:10
This is SO hysterical!!!

By #291618 at 27,Oct,12 23:06
nice one iv readed things like this in here before yeah TOTALLY STRAIGHT but loves cock

By #268067 at 27,Sep,12 00:40
going by what I read in this forum I'd say you maybe the straightest man I have ever met
By #303133 at 27,Oct,12 22:19
I play straight-man for NO ONE!
By bella! at 27,Oct,12 22:52 other posts of bella! 
Question? Why are you responding to [deleted member]? (s)he doesn't give a "Big Red Rat's Ass" damn. And the topic should be deleted to allow another member who is really, really, really, absolutely, 100%, completely straight..... the opportunity to open their thread. Oh my! There I go, moaning and groaning and mixing up all the different forum threads. You know what, at the end of the day, I don't even give 2 shits!

By #274357 at 26,Sep,12 23:28
Sarcasm is not an effective means of communication here, JustWill.

By #303133 at 27,Sep,12 02:27
True, but given that sarcasm is my preferred method of communication...I have little choice in the matter. I will endeavor to persevere...
The original idea for this thread was:"I'm not gay...but I think that the guy I am fucking IS!" Thought that might be too subtle...
By #201583 at 27,Sep,12 04:40
You better never lose your sarcasm! You bring a bland forum to life with style.

By #201583 at 26,Sep,12 22:01
It would be hard for me to claim such a fallacy. How can I be straight when I love being bent? Wait, if I can con myself into believing that everything sexual with the same sex isn't gay except kissing can I join the Not So Gay Straight Club? I love fishing, shooting, hiking, boxing, football, hockey, hunting, paintballing, camping, and there is nothing better than a good scrap. I could fit right into the Not So Gay Straight Club. We could chug down some cock around a campfire. Oops I ment beer. Wink wink.
By #303133 at 26,Sep,12 22:04
What are you implying here? and, could you give me directions to that campfire? Sounds like a great place to bond with my fellow straight guys...
By #201583 at 26,Sep,12 22:53
Sure, second star to the right, and straight on till morning. Then follow the yellow brick road for a mile or so. Turn north and follow the rainbow until you reach the end. There will be free beer and blowjobs galore.
By #201583 at 27,Sep,12 01:01
I can't give up kissing. They can keep their denial. I lasted an hour cold turkey. It is way too hard being not so gay straight, and confusing too. I did learn their super s-e-c-r-e-t moto. It is the last line of "The Flintstones" theme song.
By bella! at 27,Sep,12 01:06 other posts of bella! 
We'll have a gay ol' time....

I had to sing the whole darn song!
By #201583 at 27,Sep,12 04:35
Sorry! I knew I would get someone to sing.

By #299180 at 27,Sep,12 00:25
I know I am 100% gay! Pussy has and always will gross me out. I've had pussy three times in my life and I hated every second of it. So perhaps you are bisexual. One should not be so confused as to what they like sexually. Explore!!

By Ray10754 at 26,Sep,12 20:58 other posts of Ray10754 
Sounds to me that there is some major DENIAL here !

Just my two cents worth

By bella! at 26,Sep,12 16:58 other posts of bella! 
Really, really, absolutely, 100%? You and vblob.... have so much in common!

By #201155 at 26,Sep,12 16:27
Sounds good to me

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