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Straight guys; What's your price?

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Started by #620268 at 30,Jun,20 14:32
In this topic I'm mainly speaking to the men on this site who have absolutely zero interest in trying their first cock, and not the straight but curious men since there's a lot of guys on here that want to try cock.

My question is, hypothetically, if you were offered money in exchange for having sex with another man, what's the lowest price that you would take for it and what would you be willing to do for that money? (FYI I'm not looking to actually negotiate sex, it's just a question)

Similar topics: 1.Someone is Selling their Panties through SYC - And it stinks!   2.Straight,gay,bi and curious   3.Do all straight guys have gay fantasies?   4.Gays guys fucking women   5.Easter egg sale  

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By #677376 at 06,Oct,22 22:38
I’m straight but as another noted I dream that I would be in a situation where it would just happen that a nice younger cock is placed in my mouth and I have the opportunity to taste an unbelievable load of fresh cum for the first time in my life. No amount of money would be necessary. An enjoyment would be having the lad suck me dry them fuck my tight Virgin ass hole.

What would really be awesome would be if a young lad were to walk up to me and beg me to make him hard then suck him off. Damn!

By #680589 at 06,Oct,22 04:35
Whats my price whats ur offer hit me up for pic n videos

By #651230 at 17,May,22 01:15
Once you get that cock in your asshole it will feel so good you won't care how much you can get you will just want more.

By #667453 at 15,May,22 12:42
Most straight men, if u give them their favorite alcohol to drink, once they're buzzed, they're more likely to let u start kissing their lips😏 and go from there
By pifad at 16,May,22 23:39 other posts of pifad 
That’s a fact. Been there done that

By spermkiss at 30,Jun,20 18:16 other posts of spermkiss 
Every straight man has his price.

This reminds me of an old joke. A man as hitting on a woman in a bar and asked her if she'd go to bed with him for a million dollars. She replied that yes, she probably would. He then asked her if she'd go to bed with him for two dollars. She became very indignant asking "What do you think I am?" He replied "We settled that, what we're discussing now is the price."
By leopoldij at 15,May,22 18:40 other posts of leopoldij 
Nice!! funny

By #658700 at 28,Dec,21 03:10
Done that when I was younger in California anywhere from twenty dollars for a quick fuck to four-hundred dollars for an all nighter (when I worked for a dating company)alittle more for each person I would sleep with at the all-nighter.

By #652988 at 28,Dec,21 02:04
I will do for free as long as I can do it to him if he sucks me I will suck him if he dicks me I going fuck him to

By #513416 at 01,Jul,20 08:23
I am not sure any amount of money would make me want cock.
What I am hoping , it will never happen, is to be with a friend(s) and get into a situation that we would get naked and then let things develop. Money would not be an issue.

Adult Discussion Forum