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What percentage of pics on this site do you think are fake ???

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Started by #19575 at 13,Nov,09 01:56
I see alot of members here that there pics look to be genuine , but I read on the discussion forum that alot of them are fake ! What do you think the percentage is of fake pics ???
I can assure you my 13 pics , and more to come soon , ... are all of Me !!!

Similar topics: 1.What percentage of guys are bi   2.DEMOGRAPHICS   3.fake accounts   4.WHO IS A FAKE?   5.Fake accounts  

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By jayman73 at 05,May,15 13:37 other posts of jayman73 
I would say about 5% for the men, and about 95% for the women are fake. The definition of a "fake" on this website is mainly some dude pretending to be a woman with web derived pictures. Basically, us guys are hoping an actual woman is posting her photos and looking at our naked pictures. Basically, a woman with the same intentions as the 30,000 guys on this website. We don't want to see pics posted by a woman's ex-boyfriend or husband. We want the pics to be from the actual poster not a third party. So while the pics in question are real, natural pictures, some quite nice, they are not from the actual poster and deemed "fake".
By leopoldij at 06,May,15 06:09 other posts of leopoldij 
aren't you exaggerating? i've met many women who are definitely nor fake. 95% sounds too high.
By jayman73 at 06,May,15 13:29 other posts of jayman73 
Yes, I am exaggerating a bit. But not too much. Maybe it's only 85%. There is no doubt that there are several real women on this site. I talk and chat with them myself. But it is frustrating that so many profiles of women are fake. There is a evaluation panel and they do there best to keep out the fakes. Someday I hope every female profile would be real. For now, I have made a list of women who I know are real, so I remember who's who, and I get excited when I add another name to the list.
By leopoldij at 06,May,15 14:24 other posts of leopoldij 
Don't you think then that it might be worth telling the admin to establish an endorsement system for real women? That is, to make it worth the effort to have real women seek being listed as real, like in your list. I think that fake female members hurt real ones and so real ones would seek being approved. If, say, a female member has been around for long time but has not been approved then chances will be that the member is fake. What do you think?
By jayman73 at 06,May,15 22:19 other posts of jayman73 
I think it's a good idea. We do a have verification system already. I myself am not verified as of yet, but I am "real" just as much these people with the green check on their profile pages. But with some of these women, they have been verified by five or six people so they most likely "real". Nothing is ever certain, but the odds are good.

By #485312 at 10,May,15 13:07
l think encouraging people to use the showitoff name and/or their user name in 2 or more shots gives anyone enough evidence that they are it promotes the site and encourages others to join...maybe get admin to give extra points or up the 250 to 300 max for members that verify themselves *lix*

By _avg_ at 06,May,15 05:15 other posts of _avg_ 
I'd say somewhere between "not at all" and "entirely"...
By mr_blue at 06,May,15 05:34 other posts of mr_blue 

By Andthisisme at 05,May,15 13:05 other posts of Andthisisme 
Fake to me means pretending to be someone you are not. Posting images from the web because you like them (against site rules) and photoshopping an image to enhance or add to is not in that sense fake, if that is clearly what has been done.

By #485312 at 03,May,15 11:08
how long is a piece of string and what do you call fake,? posting others pics might not mean they are fake, just not theirs, and some are real, just the perspective is out of whack, making it look bigger than it really is, they aren't fake but just misleading...when its all boiled down, take it all with a grain of salt, don't believe anything till you see it in the flesh, and its all just here for your cheap thrills and entertainment...*lix*
By *kmadeau* at 03,May,15 13:55 other posts of *kmadeau* 
wow you are a smart Lady...and why do you comment then on "misleading pics" often?...
By #485312 at 05,May,15 12:24
because that's all you 'real' men have to a perfect world, everyone would be honest and trustworthy of their word and pics, l cant make men post real shots, but if l was to not comment on fake or out of perspective shots, than l would not be able to comment at all....and lm not smart. lm actually really dumb, l just like to have an opinion, l don't care if you agree with me, what l say, l stand behind and believe or l wouldn't say it...lm probably wrong, but that's my opinion *lix*

By palunko at 25,Feb,15 15:45 other posts of palunko 
By #475588 at 25,Feb,15 22:08

By Fritz at 05,May,15 00:58 other posts of Fritz 
That's a very good answer on an unprecise question

By Fritz at 05,May,15 00:56 other posts of Fritz 
Define Fake! Do you mean manipulated pics? Internet pics? Or a male tells he is a women and Shows his wife? Or what? Just define fake, and I will tell you my guess

By #121361 at 03,May,15 11:37
Our Pics 100 % NO Fake , there are all from us and our Friends and our Events

By #484177 at 28,Feb,15 22:22
Probably like 65-70%. A lot on here are real and their pages are great to look at but it's so annoying when you find an obvious fake. I'm not spending my time looking at your foot long dick that we all know isn't real

By #121361 at 25,Feb,15 11:54
Our Pics are 100% real and from our Group. We say a dirty Hello from Germany!

By *kmadeau* at 24,Feb,15 16:00 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Fakers just like to read comments about their big monster dicks, this make them very's all!

By leopoldij at 19,Feb,15 22:56 other posts of leopoldij 
My pics are all real

By DeepThroatThis at 19,Feb,15 19:08 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
Good question......I would estimate 10% are fake or a partner ( past or present ) does not know they are on the site. I also see what appears to be a fair number of revenge postings as well, like bad break ups!

By #201155 at 19,Feb,15 18:12
All of mine 100 per cent real, and 100 per cent me!

[deleted image]

By basque9 at 19,Feb,15 15:57 other posts of basque9 
Ha, ha, now that is the 64 dollar question to which I have no answer! What I do know to be true is that the size of the erect penis pictures being posted has dramatically increased over the past few years! Now the answer to that mysterious size increase is not hard to fathom! For your information, not a single picture among my 1,000 or so on here and other sites has been altered! Lying to oneself seems pointless!

By #121361 at 20,Dec,12 15:28
We are real !!!
By freakyfrenchie at 19,Feb,15 13:49 other posts of freakyfrenchie 
you are hot !

By #332336 at 20,Dec,12 15:06
I have a humongous cock but put fake pics of a little dick online for me. I am just so embarrassed by this big old dick of mine!!lol

By #38932 at 14,Jan,10 20:15
all of my pics are 100% real and legit!

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