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An Observation...

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Started by #303133 at 19,Oct,12 16:55
No matter how WEIRD or DISGUSTING a forum topic is, there will be at least one wonky douche-nozzle who puts it on his list of favorite things. From poop encrusted asses to snot as lube, someone is always there to yell: I AM SO IN TO THAT!
There are days when I read the forum and think that we, as a species, are so fuckin' doomed...

Similar topics: 1.A puzzling observation.....   2.lost points   3.Men vs Women: A Psycho-sexual Observation   4.Is it just me, or...   5.Size Matters  

New Comment

By #491031 at 16,Aug,15 12:49
Also, no matter how damned OLD a forum topic is, there will always be someone to drag it up from the bottom of the pile.
Seriously. I posted this thread almost three years ago. It didn't get many comments then...why resurrect it now?
While we are on the subject:
Cookies is awesome!
By #485312 at 16,Aug,15 13:09
only registered users can see external links
couldn't find a cookie for you *lix*

By bella! at 16,Aug,15 13:15 other posts of bella! 
To TheUnicorn, apparently some people like to hear themselves talk, even if they're only typing.

Lorna Doone and homemade oatmeal raisin cookies ROCK!
By #68656 at 16,Aug,15 13:42
By bella! at 16,Aug,15 14:01 other posts of bella! 
JohnS, nice to see you in the forum! Is there any chance that you will be responding to previous topics that caught your attention?

By #491031 at 16,Aug,15 13:51
I'm a chocolate chip kinda guy. Peanut butter cookies are also way yummy, but that's because peanut butter is the food of the gawds...
By #472683 at 16,Aug,15 17:12
I love me some chunky peanut butter right outta the jar!

Love chocolate chips, but they must be crispy.
By leopoldij at 16,Aug,15 22:40 other posts of leopoldij 
I agree. Peanut butter must be chunky and eaten straight out of the jar , preferably using the finger.

By #485312 at 16,Aug,15 12:14
ld rather someone with a disqusting forum topic, than someone that hijacks threads and get right off topic for petty non social behaviour...must try snot for lube next time l have a cold *lix*

By #7976 at 19,Oct,12 20:13
Unfortunately, there will always be those who are candidates for Darwin Awards. On the flip side, there is a large genetic pool of stable, sane humans to offset those who shouldn't breed.

By #218130 at 19,Oct,12 19:33
Yes, mankind sure has the ability to seriously fuck up

By #291618 at 19,Oct,12 19:17
YES we are doomed

Adult Discussion Forum