| Hi partners I here to tell some thing true about our humans/human life. Which you may or may not know this. That in our real life SEXUAL DESIRE is similar like of our HUNGRY, THIRSTY, what ever our daily needs. I pick this topic because even now in this website most of the partners does not like to express their words which they actually wants. This phenomena is appearing in INDIANS only. So I want to say this is 'do what you wish to do', 'express what you thinking your self'. Because in real life we should wear a mask on our faces and will behave what the society wants to see us, here what's the society, we are the society, we all are together making the society. So every one knows what's behind our heart. By our body language which tells always true what our mind thinks.
The SEXOLOGY is written and distributed all over the world by our proud Indian Shri.VATSAYANA, who is the famous person of a SEXOLOGIST. So my dear Indians what here said by me is actually said by HIM.
I give a brief explanation about some misunderstanding points regarding sex.
We want sex from so many persons either male or female. In my opinion there is nothing wrong like we will have so many things in our life more than one for eg: Mobiles, Dresses, Computers, Close Friends, many more. These all are should contain more than one in like a manner.
In our Indian Society every one should read "VATSAYANA KAMA SUTRA" and the government should implement this as one of the most important subject in our school and colleges.
What we are thinking about SEX is some times wrong.
If we maintain sexual relations in healthy way then there is no limitation to maintain the number of relations.
At last I want to tell this for this God given body we should always have,
Sex and at last,
Money. To mainntain healthy soul and body.
These all are should have equal and same priority. |
They get reported by other members for stolen images, inappropriate material and a concerning number of images showing minors.
Secondly the Kama Sutra is nothing more than a disgusting piece of pornography with no merit whatsoever, basically it is just porn posing as religious literature.