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Skinny Guys

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Started by #321462 at 28,Nov,12 22:13
Hey Guys, I've got a thing for naked skinny/nerdy/geeky guys. Are you out there?

drop a pic won't you please?

Similar topics: 1.skinny ones   2.Skinny guys   3.Skinny twink or beef cake..what do u want to fuck most??   4.skinny guys with huge cocks! I too skinny  

New Comment

By distiller at 17,Sep,13 13:54 other posts of distiller 

btw if u are skinny or like skinny guys, go to the groups list und join the skinny guys group ;-P
By bigone21 at 17,Sep,13 22:00 other posts of bigone21 
WOW! beautiful, uncut, big dicked, skinny guy you are!
By distiller at 18,Sep,13 09:13 other posts of distiller 
thank you

By bigone21 at 17,Sep,13 21:59 other posts of bigone21 
skinny guy here!

By #204766 at 17,Sep,13 22:13
Great pics

By Insano at 16,Sep,13 20:46 other posts of Insano 

Skinny but with abs

By #68656 at 29,Nov,12 09:43
Some pictures of me for your amusement or horror.

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]
By bigone21 at 14,Sep,13 21:57 other posts of bigone21 
I can't decide between them..!

By andrew999999999 at 14,Sep,13 10:54 other posts of andrew999999999 
Not nerdy or geeky, but.....

--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

By malecall4 at 14,Sep,13 05:31 other posts of malecall4 
is this skinny enough? or maybe i'm too fat! it depends on whos' perspecive.[deleted image]

By #139037 at 29,Nov,12 03:21
[deleted image]
I suppose I live up to the requirements..
By spermkiss at 29,Nov,12 17:28 other posts of spermkiss 
Yes, you do.
By #139037 at 03,Dec,12 01:55
Not always as much to my liking, but hopefully it is to yours
By spermkiss at 03,Dec,12 18:49 other posts of spermkiss 
You're young, you're lean, you're hairless, you've got a big dick! Man, you've got it all. Your assets are solid gold. Enjoy them. And keep showing them off to us here at SYD.
By #139037 at 04,Dec,12 01:56
I would kill for a bit more body though, but I fear it's just part of being me. Accepted that ages ago, but one can still long for something he doesn't possess.

Thanks though, your post gave me a smile
By spermkiss at 04,Dec,12 04:00 other posts of spermkiss 
Well, I know how you feel. I was a tall, skinny guy all thru high school, into my twenties and even into my early thirties. When I hit middle age I began to fill in. Odds are you will too. Just be careful that you don't fill in too much and in the wrong places. When I was young I could eat whatever I wanted and never gain a pound. I had to abandon my old eating habits and re-train myself when I hit forty.

Believe me, however, that you are VERY desirable just as you are. There are a LOT of gay men who positively worship skinny young guys.
By spermkiss at 04,Dec,12 04:03 other posts of spermkiss 
Whoops, I just went to your page and saw that you identify as straight. Well, if you decide to do a little switch hitting, you could have gay men kneeling at your feet with the snap of your fingers.

By #276278 at 03,Dec,12 06:07
i ammmm

By #220845 at 03,Dec,12 03:17
Skinny good, plump is good

By #244348 at 28,Nov,12 23:35
well im the athletic skinny type
By spermkiss at 29,Nov,12 17:30 other posts of spermkiss 
Yes, you are. And you're cute as all get out.

By #194437 at 29,Nov,12 06:18
[deleted image]

[deleted image]

Hereґs a skinny
By spermkiss at 29,Nov,12 17:27 other posts of spermkiss 
You're hot! Lean and hairless, probably the best on SYD.

By #41858 at 29,Nov,12 03:07
Skinny nerd boys with circumcised cocks are so hot...

By slipper at 29,Nov,12 02:31 other posts of slipper 
Does old and sorta skinny count?

Adult Discussion Forum