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am I too skinny

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Started by #170200 at 09,Jul,13 09:11
I worry that I am to skinny for guys to find me sexy.. no matter what I can't bulk up so seemed doomed to being boyish...

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New Comment

By CreativeOne at 05,Sep,13 01:40 other posts of CreativeOne 
You look great and you have a really nice looking package to !

By andrew999999999 at 03,Sep,13 23:35 other posts of andrew999999999 
As a skinny guy myself, I used to have the same thoughts. One day I decided that it's pointless to worry about it, so I stopped thinking about it.

By spermkiss at 10,Jul,13 17:20 other posts of spermkiss 
Perhaps you've not heard that old line: "It's impossible to be too rich or too thin." We'll forget about the rich part and concentrate on the thin part. No, you are not too thin. Your lean physique is quite attractive. And everyone else who has commented so far agrees with me on this.

For what it's worth, when I was your age I was very much like you, a skinny **** who could eat like a horse and never gain a pound. So don't worry about it. As you mature, nature will take its course and you will begin to bulk out. That's what happened to me. Just be cautious about becoming fat in your middle age. After years of being able to eat whatever you want and not gain a pound, your eating habits will be established and they may not be easy to change.

By #134591 at 10,Jul,13 06:03
you are hot... i like your boyish looks dude.

By john12 at 09,Jul,13 20:38 other posts of john12 
Perfect very sexy great cock . Yummy .

By bigone21 at 09,Jul,13 20:26 other posts of bigone21 
nothing too skinny about you! you're NOT obese! HALLELUJAH!!

By #147052 at 09,Jul,13 17:06
Wish I could look like is tough when you are an old fart and have some extra baggage!

By #143536 at 09,Jul,13 15:45
I actually like the youthful look. Especially with a fat cock like yours attached to the body!

By JeffinKS at 09,Jul,13 14:31 other posts of JeffinKS 
you are not skinny. you are very sexy and wow what a nice cock!

By pifad at 09,Jul,13 13:36 other posts of pifad 
No, you are not too skinny. You've got a hot sexy body and a nice big cock. Great combination.

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