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Why do we care about size?

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Started by #296464 at 29,Nov,12 18:15
What exactly is the fascination with penis size men most seem to have? We all appear to have it to one degree or another but why?
It's not as if we did anything impressive to achieve having a big one nor did anything bad to be punished with a small one, and in my experience most women don't seem to mind as long as it's not freakishly big or small and works.
So where does this obsession come from?
Now I'll be the first to admit it, I love it when my cock is bigger than an other guys but conversely I don't give a shit when another guy is bigger than me.
So is it just a competitive thing, curiosity, wanting to see if you're normal or something else altogether?

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By #233140 at 01,Dec,12 11:35
Not discounting the fact that there are folks out there, men and women who DO love giant cocks, for the most part, size really doesn't matter.

It's what you DO with your dick that counts. Oh and it's NOT all about the dick BTW LOL

Now, regarding how we men view ourselves up agasint other men, well that's a horse of a different color. We ARE a competitive gender that's for sure and we've also had a HUGE helping of pre-programming via porn, media etc etc AND throw on top of that, if you're an American, Bigger is ALWAYS better LOL -tm

By #7976 at 30,Nov,12 23:49
While I'd love to have a cock that hangs long and thick when not erect, that's not what my genes gave me. When flaccid, I'm fairly small but it has grate growth potential in the right hands. In the end, many women have come on my cock over the years and I sired two lovely daughters so what ever it's size or others perceptions of it, it has served me faithfully and successfully over the years.

By #6568 at 30,Nov,12 08:00
I think this has more to do with our societies preoccupation with 'largeness' in all it's forms....people prefer what they have been brainwashed into prefering.....

Yes, women like a big penis but they like a big car,..big bank account,..big status etc just as much, if not more!

By johnp at 30,Nov,12 00:24 other posts of johnp 
Women like bigger cocks no matter what they say..its an instinct that has to to with a mans ability to get them pregnant...the long/bigger the dick the less distance sperm has to travel the more likely a man will get her pregnat....its primal shit...kinda like we like big tits and the reason being is its about awomans for guys like me but thats y i eat good pussy
By WristThick at 30,Nov,12 07:02 other posts of WristThick 
This is the truest comment on here. It IS completely primal. A large penis will stretch the vagina more and be much more likely to give an orgasm to begin with- and a strong orgasm at that. This is all compared with one of average size.

Orgasms make conception much more likely, which is why it's so important for the woman to have one or more of them if she is looking to get pregnant. Stronger orgasms come from stronger contractions of the vagina (and sometimes uterus), which moves sperm up to the cervix or even past into the uterus.

This stuff has been scientifically documented and there are videos which prove it. I'm talking about MRI imaging using subjects on Viagra. No joke.

Of course, "size doesn't matter because there are no nerve endings past the first couple of inches of the vagina."

By #159671 at 30,Nov,12 06:31
Well I don't know why but I just have to chuckle when people say how size doesn't matter. You don't see people sending in money for penis shrinking pills or devices! Why is that?

Spend a little time reading some craigs list personal ads and you will notice how many people ask/demand for big dicks only. Maybe some people don't mind size (me for example, but I also don't care about tittie sizes either), but there are also a lot of folks who are or at least talk and act like size snobs.

There really are two different preferences going on here.

True, I don't care about cock or tit sizes, but I must admit to being impressed with really huge cocks or tits, just because it's so rare to see.

By pifad at 29,Nov,12 18:40 other posts of pifad 
Personally, I don't care about size. I like all cock. As for my cock?, eh, I like it. And have never had any complaints from men or chics.

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