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my girlfriend wants me take inhancement pills to make me bigger

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Started by #325134 at 01,Dec,12 19:50

Similar topics: 1.Average cock wants to be a huge cock   2.Blood pressure pills do you make it bigger?   4.Make your dick bigger without surgery???   5.I need help getting a bigger dick!!!!!D:  

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By phart at 24,Mar,25 14:43 other posts of phart 
find another girlfriend ,once you fix the dick issue, she will find something else to complain about.
old thread but interesting that women actually believe those gimmick pills work.
also you could tell her to get some alum and rub it on herself so she will know you are in there?
ai google gives this answer

While some women have reported using alum for vaginal tightening, there is no scientific evidence to support its effectiveness for this purpose, and using it can be harmful.
Here's a more detailed explanation:

No Scientific Basis:
There is no scientific evidence to suggest that alum, an astringent, can effectively tighten the vagina or enhance sexual pleasure.
Potential Risks:
Using alum internally can be harmful, potentially causing irritation, inflammation, or even infections.
Alternative Methods:
If you are concerned about vaginal laxity, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional to discuss safe and effective options, such as pelvic floor exercises (Kegels) or medical treatments.
Cultural Practices:
Some cultures have traditions or beliefs around using alum for vaginal tightening, but these practices are not supported by medical science.

By phart at 24,Mar,25 14:41 other posts of phart 
find another girlfriend ,once you fix the dick issue, she will find something else to complain about.
old thread but interesting that women actually believe those gimmick pills work.
also you could tell her to get some alum and rub it on herself so she will know you are in there?

By onthelose at 24,Mar,25 04:07 other posts of onthelose 
I would suggest that you buy a slip on cock and go big . Maybe that will satisfy her.

By nekekal at 02,Dec,12 07:05 other posts of nekekal 
I don't think the pills work. But then again I don't think that they hurt anything either so if she will pay, and agree to getting fucked every day to see if it is bigger, then I would go for it.

Otherwise, tell her to go find a guy who has more cock. I am available if she wants.

By slipper at 02,Dec,12 06:43 other posts of slipper 
I hope SHE'S paying for them!

By #285354 at 02,Dec,12 00:10
I suspect that she will be disappointed. Pills will not increase cock size.

By #81191 at 01,Dec,12 19:59
take your pick from similar topics

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