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peeing wile sum 1 els hols your cock

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Started by #322405 at 09,Dec,12 15:24
have you ever had a Girl or guy ask if they can hold your cock for you wile you pee
if a girl holds has dun this did she get all the pee down the loo or did she miss?

Similar topics: 1.Are There Any Ladies who Like Oeeing...   2.whoever said peeing on yourself was bad   3.Peeing on yourself   4.Women peeing on cocks   5.caught peeing in my office by one of my female work fellows...  

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By leopoldij at 10,Jul,15 23:10 other posts of leopoldij 
I prefer a girl to hold my cock while I cum, not while I pee. So much more fun to cum in someone else's hand!
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By #121361 at 21,Jun,15 07:08
[deleted image]
By Brad at 06,Jul,15 01:51 other posts of Brad 
Wow such an erotic pic with lots of tasty piss ! Need a hand with the job or rather another mouth ?? I was at a high school reunion & after lot to drink went towards the loo to have a piss. I was stopped by two gorgeous sisters who asked if I needed some help & amazed I said yes ! The 2 sisters took my cock out of my pants in such a slow sensual way that I started to get hard in which made it difficult to start peeing. When I did start pissing, they got down on their knees on opposite sides of my cock & took turns slopping up the spurts of piss until none was left & I was very hard ! They jerked & sucked until u came in their mouths & did bit of kissing & cum swapping ! Unfortunately someone caught us in the act. Did not bother me but the sisters were so embarrassed when word got out that they did not attend any more high school reunions. This did piss me off as I would have enjoyed more joint action !!

By bella! at 27,Jun,15 15:16 other posts of bella! 
Is this one of these new fads or phenomenons that have taken off and taken off without me?

Is it the "thing to do", to omit letters, sometimes vowels, sometimes consonants, when writing? Or maybe, are our young people just lazy or could they really be this fucking stupid?
By #311947 at 29,Jun,15 18:47
I think its a by product of texting. I get lazy about stuff on some things especially if I feel its kinda informal like social media, certain forums etc. But thats just me. If I am writing/typing something that's "formal", you can bet I proof read twice. But going back to social media and forums, most people seem to let it slide cause they can tell what you mean. People type so fast they just don't really care. I understand what you're saying, but for me it doesn't bother me. Now if I got a letter or card or god for bid a business correspondence that was like that, then Id be annoyed. ... So to answer your question, A) yes, younger people are more lazy, and B) I think that many are just that fucking stupid. lolTheir whole world is virtual, viral and just... vapid. The art of communication is being lost. The art of listening, well you can just forget it!

By #311947 at 27,Jun,15 12:06
Ive had a couple girls hold it for me. Its sorta weird at first. Hard to actually pee. One girl I had would start waving it all over the place when I started peeing. Depending where we were at, it wasnt always a good thing. Most girls want to hold it out of curiosity from my experience.

By jocstfr at 12,Dec,12 02:47 other posts of jocstfr 
An old g/f used to luv to hold my dick when i pee'ed becasue she was infatuated with knowing what it must be like to have a dick. She would stand behind me and hold it like it were her own pointing it in different directions if we were outside.She also liked to hold it straight up so the pee would look like a fountain. Sometimes I miss that crazy bitch!
By #311947 at 27,Jun,15 12:03
"Sometimes I miss that crazy bitch"

By #121361 at 10,Dec,12 19:05
Check us my Girl hold my dick with the Mouth when I pee see the Pic on our Page !!!

By spermkiss at 09,Dec,12 22:39 other posts of spermkiss 
It sure does sound like fun to be either the holder or the holdee. However, how does the holdee keep from getting a hardon when someone else is holding his cock? And even if he manages, what about when he's finished peeing and the holder starts to milk his cock to squeeze out the last bit of urine?

I think that we should do some research into this. Would any other SYD members like to join me in doing this research? We could drink lots of water, take off our pants and hold each other's cocks while we urinate.

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