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Pic on this site..

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Started by gradurgaur at 27,Nov,09 08:56  other posts of gradurgaur
Hi Guys and girls.A like to ask you about the pics on this site.

my pics are old and not werry good but have you ever had to prof that you are the one on the pics..?
one guy ask me to prof it that my pics or of me?

Do guys post pics of some one else?

am 31 years old but on my pic maybe you thing am older
pleese go and see for your self..

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New Comment

By slipper at 27,Nov,09 21:00 other posts of slipper 
One doesn't have to "prove" anything. If someone doubts what they see is from a given person there is little that can be done; conversely, there is little to keep people from posting pix of about anyone, especially if the face doesn't show or the pic is Photoshopped. Just because someone on a given site wants you to do something, doesn't mean you have to... DUH!!!

By MoeJoe at 27,Nov,09 10:04 other posts of MoeJoe 
There are a lot of guys here who are posting pics of other people...it's nothing unusual. If I were you I would not worry about proving yourself to someone else...if your pics are genuine, then don't worry about it.

Adult Discussion Forum