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does your penis reach your belly button?

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Started by #337870 at 08,Jan,13 07:59
one thing i've noticed that differentiates a normal penis from a seriously hung penis is whether it reaches all the way to the belly button when it's erect. as you can see from this photo, my little peepee only gets about 1/4 of the way.

does your cock get closer than mine?

[deleted image]

Similar topics: 1.Curved dicks   2.Did you ever try to scratch in the middle of your belly button?   3.navel/belly button piercing   4.Do female armpits excite you?   5.Belly Buttons  

New Comment

By #559915 at 20,Jun,18 12:12
When it is erect yeah it can reach my belly button

By #539358 at 11,May,18 06:05
I’ve never tried... I will later though!

By #536913 at 11,May,18 05:56
Of course! If I'm stooped over, that is. Otherwise, not even close.

By #537175 at 10,May,18 23:02
[deleted image]

Just about if I really try

By #522791 at 10,May,18 22:48
Nope hehe ...oh well

By cardinal at 10,May,18 17:08 other posts of cardinal 
My penis is dead to me..

By #116569 at 12,Dec,17 20:13
mine passes my navel[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 10,May,18 15:45 other posts of 3fdfd 
No question about that ... you have a huge cock

By RealTitsLover at 12,Dec,17 04:51 other posts of RealTitsLover 

By JeffinKS at 12,Dec,17 04:48 other posts of JeffinKS 

By #546418 at 10,Dec,17 17:43
Yup with length to spare

[deleted image]
By #302771 at 11,Dec,17 18:58
Yep ur big

By #64328 at 11,Dec,17 18:00
It just depends how there body is shaped. I have seen short ones that do and long ones that dont.

By #249167 at 10,Dec,17 02:25
Mine does when I’m rock hard
By 3fdfd at 10,Dec,17 17:06 other posts of 3fdfd 
See .. I knew you had a big dick

By #422168 at 10,Dec,17 03:34

By leopoldij at 09,Dec,17 14:17 other posts of leopoldij 
That depends also on how fat you are.

By slipper at 03,Jan,14 01:20 other posts of slipper 
Oops, posted twice... duh!

By #137412 at 02,Jan,14 00:10

[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 02,Jan,14 15:00 other posts of 3fdfd 
mmmmmmmmmm is right

By #443664 at 01,Jan,14 23:58
Yeah I can place the head on top of the belly button area
By 3fdfd at 02,Jan,14 14:59 other posts of 3fdfd 
I told you your cock was big

By #279682 at 02,Jan,14 04:59
[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 02,Jan,14 14:55 other posts of 3fdfd 
very nice looking cock

By 3fdfd at 02,Jan,14 14:30 other posts of 3fdfd 
mine sure doesn't

By #299993 at 02,Jan,14 13:45
Yes. [deleted image]

By #358797 at 02,Jan,14 11:40
My penis trips me when I run.

By foreskinlover52 at 02,Jan,14 07:33 other posts of foreskinlover52 
Yes but size dosnt matter to me..Foreskin and cum load or most important..And that you would enjoy fucking my ass![deleted image]

By #311947 at 12,Jan,13 10:17
Mine reaches even goes over slightly.

By slipper at 12,Jan,13 08:19 other posts of slipper 

By Ablaze at 11,Jan,13 23:58 other posts of Ablaze 

By #124665 at 11,Jan,13 09:47
All mens belly buttons are higher or lower on their abdomens in relation to their cock, its not a standard thing. Neither is the angle at which the cock exits the body. Some mens point straight down n others come out literally straight n that changes things too. So from top base, you could have 6 inches or 10. Maybe a curve shortens that gap, I know mine does ..

By #222601 at 11,Jan,13 02:59
No, but it reaches other people's bellybuttons quite easily
By #134591 at 11,Jan,13 05:25
hahahaha, same with mine :p

By #181785 at 11,Jan,13 03:12
Way past when I pull on it real hard while it is full hard and I bend way over.

By spermkiss at 08,Jan,13 18:12 other posts of spermkiss 
I wish!

By #147052 at 08,Jan,13 15:44
used to before too many beers!

By boc at 08,Jan,13 10:13 other posts of boc 
When I sit with a good posture it is about an inch below it. But if I hunch over it goes past it by a ways.

By #220845 at 08,Jan,13 10:03
If I pull it hard enough

By #323075 at 08,Jan,13 08:24
My Penis reachs my belly button.

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