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Self Sucking

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Started by #277673 at 11,Jan,13 16:45
If you self suck, does it make you gay if yours is the only one you suck? I mean when i jerk off, im youching my dick, doesn't mean i wanna touch another dick.

Similar topics: 1.Sucking Cum Out -- Shooting In The Mouth   2.Thinking about sucking a dick   3.I DID IT, MY FIRST GUY ON GUY EXPERANCE....   4.COCK SUCKING DREAMS   5.Do you have dreams where you're sucking your own dick? Someone else's?  

New Comment

By bigone21 at 08,Sep,14 20:47 other posts of bigone21 
here's how it's done!

By bigone21 at 08,Sep,14 20:41 other posts of bigone21 
interesting mind frame...

if you put your dick in a bread roll, like you do, does that make you a hot-dog?

By boc at 06,Sep,14 05:53 other posts of boc 
I have thought the same thing, so I tried being with a guy. I can say I am definitely more attracted to the female physique than I am to a man. But I still think that technically makes me bi sexual.

By #169535 at 05,Sep,14 14:07
I love to selfsuck but I don't like to suck other guys, its just "the other guy" thing that makes me feel gay. Not that there is anything wrong with it, its just not my thing. also you don't have to look far!!!
By #316057 at 06,Sep,14 04:55
I see no poof that you do selfsuckercockheadlover

By #390287 at 06,Sep,14 04:47
I agree. it's nothing but very creative and skillful masturbation

By smokieb69 at 19,Jun,13 18:28 other posts of smokieb69 
If you only want to suck yourself, that's more like masturbation, would love to see some pics of you sucking yourself though- check mine out

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