Started by #303133 at 22,Jan,13 22:36
Similar topics: 1.Sex with celebrity? 2.Cheap trailer trash Harlequin style romance, SYC/SYD style. 3.Fake fems vs real fems behavior 4.Women's pubes!! 5.who on this site has the best bodies and features. male and female. New CommentComments: |
--------------------------------------- added after 98 seconds
Jeez blueeyes ur packin some meat! Nice
"My ex girlfriend said I have a small dick, ugly body and I cum too fast. What do you think?"
Does anyone posses a rare ability to predict the length of the intercourse by the picture? Anyone?
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--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
that, not thot*
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes
I've got no idea what your initial intro to / contact with Peach entailed, but i'm guessing it was just one silly comment that you couldn't take back or make amends for now, you're desperately trying to fix it but are making it worse. Think the damage has been done mate and it might be time to let it go
--------------------------------------- added after 35 minutes
Anon dont take the bait from not "starting in on u"
I did take issue with your "Rate My Brain" thread which insinuated that all intelligent people are unsuccessful nerds/geeks/etc though. Stereotyping and typecasting is never a good idea. As I hinted when you compared JustWill to Sheldon from that nerd fest Big Bang Theory - not all intelligent people love Star Trek, comic books, science, etc and are bad with women/men or unco-ordinated. I have 2 Master's degrees, a Bachelor's, other qualifications; I have won university prizes, been granted scholarships to exclusive private high schools, attended academically selective high schools, have an IQ of 150-152...but I was also the most popular **** at high school (and a multiple expellee - kicked out of schools if that doesn't translate), captain of most of my sporting teams as a **** and adult, a representative sportsman, have been with lots of women, and I own and direct my own successful business
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...and for the record, I have no issue with "rate my..." threads, I just ignore them. Only threads/comments I have a problem with everytime they pop up are the "straight but love to suck/fuck cock" ones & similar idiotic threads/comments on any topic. If you really believe that the highly intelligent regulars here intellectually bully other members, good on you for light-heartedly posting a thread addressing it - just realise that it's going to be difficult to out argue them (especially when there are holes in what you have to say), because by definition, the arguing/debating skill is one that lies within their wheel-house
--------------------------------------- added after 30 seconds
Yes pls me likey hard
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
Whoops i mean "some"...feew i almost looked like a total dumbass glad i caught that!