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How to pick up women...SYD style:

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Started by #303133 at 22,Jan,13 22:36
"Hot diggity! You gots yerself one of them-thar verginas! How's about I poke at it with my amazing jizz hose thingy?"

Similar topics: 1.Sex with celebrity?   2.Cheap trailer trash Harlequin style romance, SYC/SYD style.   3.Fake fems vs real fems behavior   4.Women's pubes!!   5.who on this site has the best bodies and features. male and female.  

New Comment

By Jay at 08,Apr,13 12:10 other posts of Jay 
From a woman some of the guys that send msgs just approach wrong. Idc if you have a small dick I really don't need you asking me to confirm it. Also if you're not gay or bi stop shoving shit up your ass and than sending that pic to me because that's not a turn on to a woman well at least not to me.

By #201583 at 07,Apr,13 15:43
You just sit right back there in the corner on that stool and just expose your left breast. Put this smiley face sticker over your nipple and continue to brey like a donkey. I am going to autofellatio, and whatever you do, don't smile, as green teeth cause me to pop way to soon. If I fart, that is your signal to dig into the gym bag, and start stuffing the pre-lubbed kitchen appliances one at a time, up your hairy brown-eye. If I fart again that is your signal to start popping all of them zits. Not too sexy like as it turns me off. After you pop the last zit, hook these jumper cables that I made onto my nuts, and plug the other end into the wall. Don't worry, I replaced the fuse with a penny. Everything will be just fine as I got my information off the Internet. I have a free session coupon from HO's-R-US, do you price match?

By #346055 at 25,Jan,13 02:26
lol, you just can't make stuff like this up. Hilarious. Keep it cummin
By johnp at 25,Jan,13 15:19 other posts of johnp 
A little more entertaining than the same ole shit dont ya think??
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Jeez blueeyes ur packin some meat! Nice

By johnp at 23,Jan,13 01:09 other posts of johnp 
Not me i like to quote Shakespeare and tell her how the stars sparkle in her eyes....use words like ecological subterranean attraction who need a big cock when u have a superior intelect
By #274357 at 23,Jan,13 14:14
Yes, I can totally see it! Walk up to any woman and say, "ecological subterranean attraction" and watch those panties drop!!

By #301038 at 24,Jan,13 03:57
ecological subterranean attraction? Is that like in worms/moles mating rituals? Must be super sexy... have you ever seen turtles mate in real life? That's quite a view. I bet worms/moles are just as exciting....
By johnp at 24,Jan,13 07:11 other posts of johnp 
Never seen turtles fuck but im game....ill google it
By #301038 at 24,Jan,13 09:38
I had it on my old phone... we were at the Honolulu z00 and heard this loud "Eehhh, Ehhh, Ehhh"... couldn't help but notice.
By johnp at 25,Jan,13 03:39 other posts of johnp 
U every swim w in the wild? Done that but the werent fuckin....the sounds they make aren't that diffrent from us huh

By #301038 at 23,Jan,13 13:17
Here is another line, that just blew me away. I wasn't sure from which end to approach this animal.

"My ex girlfriend said I have a small dick, ugly body and I cum too fast. What do you think?"

Does anyone posses a rare ability to predict the length of the intercourse by the picture? Anyone?
By #316049 at 23,Jan,13 13:31
Touch it through your computer screen, if it cums within 15mins...
By #301038 at 24,Jan,13 03:54
rub and sniff?
By #316049 at 24,Jan,13 04:24
If the sniffing part helps in the research rocess, sure
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By johnp at 24,Jan,13 07:13 other posts of johnp 
Way to catch the misspell dude....thot i was gunna have to call the grammar safety inspector or call u a dumbass
By #301038 at 24,Jan,13 09:37
don't start with anon, he likes conflicts... and I heard he wasn't in a good mood lately!
By #316049 at 24,Jan,13 09:57

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that, not thot*
By #301038 at 24,Jan,13 10:10
i think he meant "thought"... it's his favorite word so far, after wemon.
By #316049 at 24,Jan,13 10:38
Ahhh, he was pretty close. Not gold star close, but close enough for a smiley face sticker, a juice box and a few kind words of encouragement
By johnp at 24,Jan,13 17:33 other posts of johnp 
anon u took peaches bait (she likes to stir the pot 4 shur).....or maybe u just dont like me!
By #316049 at 25,Jan,13 01:38
Peach and I are pretty close johnp and I don't not like you. You're relentless, but you seem like a decent guy - probably why she hasn't banned you yet. Your relentlessness is getting quite close to stalker status though, not fucked up mental patient stalker, but stalker nonetheless. I think you've just recognised that Peach, like me, will not leave an argument until it comes to its correct conclusion, and that's why you keep on with the one more comment so she'll keep biting back (unless it's because you really can't, or refuse to, take a hint). Peach is a strong, no bullshit kind of lady and we share a common rough sense of humour, we have fun ribbing each other and egging each other on (coz we've built a friendship and we understand how each other ticks)
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I've got no idea what your initial intro to / contact with Peach entailed, but i'm guessing it was just one silly comment that you couldn't take back or make amends for immediately...so now, you're desperately trying to fix it but are making it worse. Think the damage has been done mate and it might be time to let it go
By johnp at 25,Jan,13 02:27 other posts of johnp 
All in good fun didnt think she was gunna ride off in the sunset w me.....i was really just messing around then everyone started insulting me which is fine i wasnt taken it personal i thought it was fun for awhile.....what i dont think is cool is when people try to make other look like a dumbass because they think they are smarter or better....ive been on this site for a couple yrs now ad watched it happen over and over so thot i would speak up.....no harm no ffoul i hope

By #316049 at 24,Jan,13 10:40
Some of us have standards we hold ourselves to, dude
By johnp at 24,Jan,13 16:48 other posts of johnp 
Keep up the good wrk pard!!!
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Anon dont take the bait from peach.....im not "starting in on u"
By #316049 at 25,Jan,13 02:22
Apologies for the grammar/spelling policing and harsh comment afterwards - as P said, I have been a crappy mood here for multiple reasons over the last week. Intellectual snobbery, however, is just as unacceptable as hating on or stereotyping intelligent people (inverse snobbery).
I did take issue with your "Rate My Brain" thread which insinuated that all intelligent people are unsuccessful nerds/geeks/etc though. Stereotyping and typecasting is never a good idea. As I hinted when you compared JustWill to Sheldon from that nerd fest Big Bang Theory - not all intelligent people love Star Trek, comic books, science, etc and are bad with women/men or unco-ordinated. I have 2 Master's degrees, a Bachelor's, other qualifications; I have won university prizes, been granted scholarships to exclusive private high schools, attended academically selective high schools, have an IQ of 150-152...but I was also the most popular **** at high school (and a multiple expellee - kicked out of schools if that doesn't translate), captain of most of my sporting teams as a **** and adult, a representative sportsman, have been with lots of women, and I own and direct my own successful business
By johnp at 25,Jan,13 02:30 other posts of johnp 
Come on u guys make fun of the rate my dick kinda guys all the time....u cant say u didnt deserve a little back
By #316049 at 25,Jan,13 02:44
No, it's all in good fun; but, if you keep responding, so will we
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...and for the record, I have no issue with "rate my..." threads, I just ignore them. Only threads/comments I have a problem with everytime they pop up are the "straight but love to suck/fuck cock" ones & similar idiotic threads/comments on any topic. If you really believe that the highly intelligent regulars here intellectually bully other members, good on you for light-heartedly posting a thread addressing it - just realise that it's going to be difficult to out argue them (especially when there are holes in what you have to say), because by definition, the arguing/debating skill is one that lies within their wheel-house
By johnp at 25,Jan,13 03:36 other posts of johnp 

By #338125 at 24,Jan,13 02:40
Now here is a brain we should be evaluating
By johnp at 24,Jan,13 02:47 other posts of johnp 
Carfull or they will make fun of u w their superior intellect...or r u makein fun of me??? Damn im confused! !
By #338125 at 24,Jan,13 05:34
Dont worry john,you had it right the first time ..
By johnp at 24,Jan,13 07:15 other posts of johnp 
Soo u weren't maken fun of me? Well theres a first time for everything

By #229050 at 22,Jan,13 23:11
My, you DO have a way with words...good luck ace
By #274357 at 22,Jan,13 23:18
That was sarcasm...you do understand, yes?
By #229050 at 23,Jan,13 19:27
orgasm? where, where?
By johnp at 23,Jan,13 19:39 other posts of johnp 
Did he say hard?
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Yes pls me likey hard
By #229050 at 23,Jan,13 20:49
how about, UGH UGH UGH Boom-Boom (makes vigorous gestures down below)AARGH BWOAAGH UGGG (nods heads, waves club)
By johnp at 23,Jan,13 21:43 other posts of johnp 
Or ugh uh uh oh uh.....thats sum funny shit right there
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Whoops i mean "some"...feew i almost looked like a total dumbass glad i caught that!

By johnp at 22,Jan,13 22:59 other posts of johnp 
Ur imitation of me?

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