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Sperm Haters, are here someone others?

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Started by *kmadeau* at 19,Feb,13 14:22  other posts of *kmadeau*
I **** cum and my own, as I **** snot too!
Guys, anyone else, please feel in the same way as I do?

Similar topics: 1.Quality of sperm + photo   2.Saving Sperm in a container   3.Cum is NOT stored in your balls!   4.Inseminational thoughts   5.Being a sex slave  

New Comment

By Letscompare at 08,Feb,23 18:12 other posts of Letscompare 
To me, semen is a bodily fluid just like every other bodily fluid. I don’t want someone’s jizz on me (or especially in my mouth), any more than I would want their snot, blood, or puss from a zit they popped. All of it is disgusting to me lol.

By #6568 at 23,Apr,19 08:53
i would'nt say I "hate" cum but I certainly learned to have an ambivalent relationship with it at an early age.....I can remeber my first ejaculation and my mortification at cleaning up all traces. thereafter semen became the dreaded evidence and since I tended to shoot violently a considerable distance I was frantic to clear up all extraneous spurts and drips. On one memorable occaision I shot right over my head and splashed the new wall paper behind the bed....

Later on girls brought new semen problems so I learned that it's a neccessary evil to being a man

By #275407 at 23,Apr,19 01:10
Can't say whether I h.a.t.e it or not, never had cum in my mouth. Mine or anyone else's. Yes, I have to admit when I was younger I have sucked a couple b4, but that's it guys and girls, maybe one day, or not

By #586400 at 22,Apr,19 21:00
I love cum. I enjoy swallowing my loads time to time.I really love my taste.As about other men.Few times guys load was salty and gross, so after they came in my mouth I spat out their loads.
By SluttySarah069 at 22,Apr,19 21:54 other posts of SluttySarah069 
I love the taste and feel of cum in my mouth - also love it shot over my face - I love the "humiliation" of that

By #578259 at 14,Feb,19 00:55
Anybody that hates Cum is just seriously delusional. How could you hate Cum. If I don't get to Swallow at least one Load of Cum a day, I become a very cranky fag. Thank God for Glory Holes. If they didn't exist, I I'd have to start forcing Males to let me Suck them off until they feed their Semen. Its not a hard job. And its not like its not enjoyable for them.
By #532695 at 14,Feb,19 03:23
I don't hate it, I just dislike the taste. So I don't love it. But you to yours, I to mine.

By pifad at 28,Feb,13 21:41 other posts of pifad 
I love the taste of cum. Mine and his.
By *kmadeau* at 28,Feb,13 22:19 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Enjoy it, my friend!

By #303133 at 28,Feb,13 18:27
H ate is such a strong word.
Honestly, if I encounter a random puddle of jizz just hanging out and looking all slimy, I do find it to be rather off-putting. There is nothing inherently sexy about strange cum dribbles gone walkabout. Upon such a chance encounter, my first thought would likely be: "Why did the cat sneeze on the carpet?"
By *kmadeau* at 28,Feb,13 19:26 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Well, it is better to say off-putting! I do simply cannot to touch it... and in case of eating ... Oh God!

By *kmadeau* at 28,Feb,13 17:54 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Everybody here in SYD love to eat sperm? I don't believe that...

By *kmadeau* at 20,Feb,13 12:25 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Oh God! all members here love Cum?

By bella! at 19,Feb,13 18:33 other posts of bella! 
What prompted this thread, kmad and what traumatized you growing up? I agree, boogers are gross! Cum?
By *kmadeau* at 19,Feb,13 19:28 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Hi Bella, for me Cum looks almost the same way as boogers. If I have its and on my hands only, I just have to run to the bath and to wash its...That why I can not suck a dick and never I did that... The same about licking pussy...the possibility there are or were cums is for me enough not to do that... for no price...maybe it's not normal, but so I'm!

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