| First of all , .... everyones pics on this site are OUTSTANDING ! I see alot of members have more than 100 pics , That's awesome , but as my topic of discussion states , .... "Is there such a thing as having too many pics posted" ? ..... Well I honestly would have to say .... YES !!! The reason I say this is because I see way to many pics on certain members pages that even though they are all different , there really not ! Meaning It's like seeing the same angle and style over and over again and in a way ... and I guess I'm finding myself getting bored too fast and don't look at all of them and quickly move on to the next ! As a matter of fact , ... I read one member say he deleted alot of his for the same reason I'm discussing here . I guess it's like this , .... Less , is actually more and with that said I'm not saying for everyone to delete most of your pics , but look at how many really do kind of repeat themselves , so to speak ! Like I always say , .... "Change is good" !!! So as my profile name is CreativeOne , .... lets all get a little Creative as alot of you already do ! All in all we all enjoy seeing a little bit of ourselves here on SYD - SYC and I want to thank each and everyone of you for sharing your pics . This site to me is the single most greatest idea to make new friends and speak our minds about anything we want to ! Thanks Admin for bringing everyone here together as one big happy family ! ... Thanks again to everyone for being part of an Outstanding team / family !!! What do you think ??? |
Excellent question and topic! I agree with much of what is shared here...as I find 1 or 2 pages sufficient to showcase your "member"
This is a great forum and place to share your 'privates'
I have another point for discussion regarding PAS's comment that the Admin can profit from quality pics posted by us, if he so chooses. I realize that this is the internet and due to the subject nature of this site, no one is going to risk taking anyone to task legally or otherwise for using their photos, but by merely posting our pics to this site are we transferring ownership of them to the Admin? I do not remember seeing any agreement that states so, but if it exists why is it not available for reference, or is this just one of those "implied" agreements that are part of the deal ? And another thing as long as I'm on a rant what the fuck is the Admin's name.....Admin?
How can we delete some pics but not all the profile?
Step 1 : Go to your page
Step 2 : Click on a picture you want to delete
Step 3 : (Just under your picture) ... Click "Delete Picture" button