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"Will you deny me your pussy forever"

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Started by #301038 at 05,Mar,13 11:45
I come across this post on CL, where a guy wanted to marry a chick, but she have to promise to tease him with his pussy forever, and never allow him to penetrate her. He wouldn't mind her sleeping around, getting pregnant by other guy. All he wanted to do is to have a sexless marriage...but have love, romance, dates and other things that couples do, just not sex.

Why would someone want something like that?

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New Comment

By #249452 at 09,Mar,13 06:05
Maybe that person is gay but is forced to live a straight life because Hes pressured by his parents. Typical tv problem

By #301038 at 08,Mar,13 01:15
What if he has no penis?
By #23212 at 08,Mar,13 01:37
Tongues and fingers can often work even more 'magic'.

By #303133 at 06,Mar,13 17:48
Some people are just looking for companionship, Peach.
I recommend getting a dog.
By #301038 at 07,Mar,13 08:13
But what man wouldn't want to have sex with his partner?
By Gntlmn at 07,Mar,13 19:05 other posts of Gntlmn 
You need to ask the partner also.

By pifad at 06,Mar,13 16:15 other posts of pifad 
So glad I'm gay!

Adult Discussion Forum