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wearing the wifes panties

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Started by #360324 at 08,Mar,13 05:39
when the wife is away I love to wear her panties. Always makes me so horny. Any other married guys out there that like to do this?

Similar topics: 1.My wifes panties   2.Panties, what's the attraction.   3.Caught out in public wearing womens underwear.   4.what is the point in men wearing panties?   5.Guys wearing girly panties  

New Comment

By Dev01 at 13,Sep,22 21:55 other posts of Dev01 
But what about the cltty litter?

By Moench at 13,Sep,22 21:31 other posts of Moench 
long time ago ,yes but now i have more panties, bra and nylons than my wife

By wycowboy at 13,Sep,22 14:59 other posts of wycowboy 
I've worn the wifes panties before but I much prefer her pantyhose!

By Lvphose at 13,Sep,22 04:38 other posts of Lvphose 
I prefer her pantyhose!

By #647027 at 12,Sep,22 13:04
I enjoy a pair of silk panties rubbing my cock!

By #662360 at 12,Sep,22 09:17
Yeah, me. [deleted image]

By #678362 at 12,Sep,22 07:59
I have been know to do this.

By Rudeboy1977 at 11,Sep,22 06:03 other posts of Rudeboy1977 

By Lvphose at 03,Sep,22 05:06 other posts of Lvphose 
I prefer her pantyhose!

By #677045 at 13,Aug,22 17:50
[deleted image]

I've been wearing these all day. I think I'll do a different one everyday
By #662360 at 13,Aug,22 20:45
I’m looking forward to seeing more of her panties on you!
By #677045 at 13,Aug,22 22:41
Your wish...

[deleted image]

By #662360 at 13,Aug,22 13:34
Yes. Here’s my wife’s panties bulging over my sex kit. [deleted image]

By #578434 at 30,Jan,19 01:00
The first guy I was ever with liked me to wear women intimates when we got together I felt so hot and wet when ever he would take them off me!!
By #535695 at 12,May,19 18:04

By SluttySarah069 at 12,May,19 15:29 other posts of SluttySarah069 
I waer my own

By #585719 at 12,May,19 11:32
I wear panties as many times as I can. My wife is ok with it and she goes with me when I go shopping for them. I'm a closet cross dresser, and she knows it, but I can't run around in women's clothes.

By #578680 at 10,May,19 21:18

By #476778 at 25,Jan,19 23:07
[deleted image]these are my wife's

By #201155 at 14,Mar,13 19:27
These belong to my wife's ****

[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 47 seconds

My wife's s i s t e r
By #62682 at 21,Feb,17 22:19
Ooh you naughty boy! Love the idea though, getting hard just thinking about it.
By #201155 at 25,Feb,17 16:34
I have some that belong to my own s i s t e r, too. See if you can find them among my pics!

By pipcock at 28,Feb,17 03:26 other posts of pipcock 
I have worn my wife's sisters panties....more than once. Liked it a lot. Also wear her friends when opportunity happens...
By #294721 at 25,Jan,19 18:03
I've worn my wife's and her mother's panties. Been fucked in both also

By doedeldi at 25,Jan,19 13:05 other posts of doedeldi 

By #566488 at 25,Jan,19 11:21
here you go. I love her panties...

[deleted image]

By Yando at 25,Jan,19 08:10 other posts of Yando 

By #516354 at 25,Jan,19 05:23
My ex wife/Mistress used to make me wear her panties whilst we would cam to humiliate me.After quite a long while I got to enjoy wearing them and now get aroused wearing them.

[deleted image]

By #576960 at 15,Jan,19 21:26
I wear my wifes and sis in laws panties most of the time. BOth of them know and get excited seeing me in them.

By #528118 at 21,Feb,17 15:25
yes girls panties well better than mens underpants I love too wear the wifes most of the time

By #136638 at 14,Mar,13 19:07
Back when I was dating I wore just about all my girlfriends panties, some of them knew I wore there panties and some did not. I have a collection of panties from most of my past girlfriends. My wife knows I enjoy panties and early on in our relationship I did wear hers, after she knew I wore panties we would go shopping for new panties for both of us. She also knows about my panty collection from past girlfriends, friends girlfriends, wives, neighbors, etc, and I still collect panties and have gotten some from my wifes ****, cousins, friends and she has even helped me get them as we enjoy them together, wearing, sniffing, pleasuring ourselves with. There has just always been something about panties that has turned me on from the first time I seen a pair laying on the floor it was like a magnet drawing me to them. Check out our profile for more about us.

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