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Best oral of your life!

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Started by #301038 at 16,Mar,13 09:54
I had the best oral very early in my relationship. It was my second boyfriend and he was seriously concerned about the size of his dick, and he felt the need to compensate with oral skills. He was simply the best! He was able to get me off in less than a minute (from the time his lips touched my pussy, not counting the foreplay). No one ever come even close to that record, not even my Hitachi Magic wand...

A lot of people tried to replicate what he was doing, but it was never the same. First of all, he absolutely loved my pussy, he wanted it all the time and everywhere, and I was keeping it away from him, until we can get to the bed and shower. I was concerned about him licking my ass, and I couldn't let him anywhere near it without cleaning my ass out.

He would always start telling me, how much he loved me, my curves, my soft skin, he would say that, as he would cover my neck, back and ass with kisses, licks, blows, giving me goose bumps. He would tell me to turn on my back, where he would suck on my nipples and kiss my breasts, and then he would tell me to spread my legs for him to have a good look. He would burry his face between my thighs and take a deep breath, and say "Ahhh, it smells so good, I just want to eat it". He would start with gently sliding his tongue between my lips, tickling my clit and sliding it all the way down to my ass. Than he would insert two fingers in my pussy and suck into my clit. He had this amazing dexterity, where he would press on my g spot at the same time he would suck on( as if you would suck on a nipple) the clit, and just a moment later he would insert a finger into my ass and move it to counter fingers in my pussy.. and couple seconds later I would have an orgasm. And another one, and one more.... before we would get to intercourse. And when he was done, he would always lick his fingers.

The relationship ended in 3 months with a whole lot of drama, but that oral was still the best oral sex in my life!

What was the most amazing oral sex you ever had, and what made it so special?

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By pifad at 17,Mar,13 05:18 other posts of pifad 
Best oral of my life. I was 19 and he was too. We were in the Army. He was a cook and I was a training specialist. we'd sneak into the Mess Hall at night and he would cook us up a couple of steaks. Then he's go down on my cock and he'd lick it like a lollypop and suck it till my balls exploded. We'd clean up and head back to the barracks. We became lovers for 14 months till he shipped out.

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