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normal dicks on the main page

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Started by #41439 at 11,Dec,09 22:39
nice as they are - i don't just want to see 12 inch monsters on the main page - more amateur honest shots please

Similar topics: 1.NORMAL DICKS MAIN SYD PAGE IS DEAD!!   2.How is wrong category some things and others not?   3.Main page   4.Most Popular Normal Dicks for past 5 days.   5.Popular pictures on the main page...  

New Comment

By #404379 at 27,Mar,14 08:42
put mine on

[deleted image]

By Thumperpatterson at 17,Dec,09 11:13 other posts of Thumperpatterson 
I am sick of fakers and pic thieves. They repost the same web crap over and over. Everyone wants to see if it is a real person or not and when they click on the pic guess what...they just got a vote. I agree I want to see real pics with all the imperfections and chubby bellies. Those are real people who are really horny and enjoying the site. I think if you post web pics and people complain you get banned from the site. Keep it real and keep it amateur.

By #39036 at 11,Dec,09 22:44
I agree with you. But how do we do this?
By #38932 at 12,Dec,09 03:37
Easy. Put all my pics on the main page.
By slipper at 12,Dec,09 04:35 other posts of slipper 
By MoeJoe at 17,Dec,09 10:10 other posts of MoeJoe 
Cocks appear on the main page based on the number of views and comments.....if your pics do not garner many comments or views, they will never make the main page.

By #6568 at 16,Dec,09 08:26
This site is actually no different from the rest of the web, have to sort thru mountains of rubbish to find the gold nuggets......

By MoeJoe at 12,Dec,09 10:20 other posts of MoeJoe 
What amazes me about it is that people don't seem to know that they are fakes or "net" pics, and make all of those flowing comments like, "Ooooh what a hot cock...I love your beautiful cock!" I can usually tell without opening the pic up whether it is suspect, so I don't usually even bother with them. Like the Admin says the pics are on the main page based on the number of views and comments, so as long as so many people think they are real then they are going to be there. Myself...I'll just keep looking at and commenting on the "real" guys here.

By #38932 at 12,Dec,09 03:36
I also agree with this. 99% of the main page shots seem fake.
By slipper at 12,Dec,09 04:36 other posts of slipper 
...or the rest of HOPE they are!

By admin at 12,Dec,09 04:43 other posts of admin 
Pics get on the main page based on votes and views. If you people like to see those fakes, no matter what you write here, I'm not gonna do anything about that.

Adult Discussion Forum