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who else likes to just wank one with buddies?

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Started by #365411 at 18,Mar,13 05:28
i'm bi, more so straight but i can honestly say that i'm not afraid to share a wank with a close friend once and a while. this weird or anyone else feel the same?

Similar topics: 1.SHOWING EVERYTHING   2.PETER NORTH/MATT RAMSEY   3.who likes to skype   4.Wank buddies   5.Cam wank buddy / buddies wanted, for regular cam fun.  

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By BoneRanger at 13,Mar,25 15:46 other posts of BoneRanger 
Yea I think this is only something that young kids do. I don't think that straight guys jerk off together as adult's. I did have a good friend who was my roommate when I was in my early 20s. After he shared his GF with me, I later offered to share my GF in return a few years later
He was married by then and for some reason so scared that his wife would be pissed even though he and I fucked the shit out of her together. When I told my GF about it, she was actually very turned on. She actually felt some competition with my friends then wife. She knew them both and didn't like that she had put some her in a sense. So right before they got married I offered him to share my wife. Even though he was too nervous, we did make videos for him which he and I jerked off too when I showed them to him

By german_guy at 10,Dec,24 21:55 other posts of german_guy 
I remember being something around 12 years my buddy and I were playing with our cocks and had a lot of fun. In fact to we were tempted to suck each other but never got around to it

By #725380 at 10,Dec,24 19:26
When I was about 10yo I would participate in a big group wank with a bunch of neighborhood boys. Such a sight seeing so many naked boys jerking off. Now, whenever I see a cock it immediately goes in my mouth.

By cumcouplessa at 08,Dec,24 20:06 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here. Much as I like the idea of a "wank" buddy, everytime I tried this I ended up leaning over to get a mouthfull of cock 🙈. Quite honestly, the temptation was simply way too great. Hard to restrain yourself when you have a lovely hard cock in your grip, begging for your mouth?

By Lvphose at 04,Jun,24 06:36 other posts of Lvphose 
I’d like a wank budy!
By Greatlakes at 08,Dec,24 19:51 other posts of Greatlakes 

By nekekal at 02,Nov,24 17:48 other posts of nekekal 
Any excuse to play with and enjoy my cock is ok with me. When I was a kid, my brother and I used to do each other. Then I got sucked by a few guys. But lately, I am a solo act although I would welcome help.

By knewbi at 23,Oct,24 14:42 other posts of knewbi 
I do but seem to end up jaw jacking some of them.

By #715400 at 14,Oct,24 00:05
I love it wank with Buddy's but they love it more because I end with their dick down my throat or up my ass because I am a little slut

By #350740 at 19,Mar,13 17:50
Never heard the term Jerk Buddy til I read the Forum here about 2 months ago. Good friend of mine and I were watching some videos and he began stroking his and I asked mind if I ? and so it began ! We have met several times and done this since then. I thought the dame thing you did, was this weird ? At first maybe but we were both wanting a release and it was a friend and it was all about making your buddy have a release. My suggestion, DO IT ! You dont know til you try.. at least once !
By spermkiss at 19,Mar,13 18:21 other posts of spermkiss 
Isn't it nice to give a friend a helping hand?

By #292697 at 19,Mar,13 17:56
Love to have a jerkoff buddy again alway good fun now I settle for skype

By spermkiss at 19,Mar,13 06:01 other posts of spermkiss 
Jacking off with buddies has such a ju-vin-ile (is that a forbidden word?) reputation, but why can't grown men do it as well? After all, all men jack off, even those who have regular partnered sex. So why not do it with friends?

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