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why do people blacklist other members out of left field?

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Started by #360349 at 22,Mar,13 02:19
i thought this was a website where the seasoned members teach the newcummers how to fit in.i think its a bad idea to think for anyone to think your gonna find an answer to the question we all need answered.

Similar topics: 1.Friends   2.members you *would* miss   3.True or lie, an observation.   4.Most Befriended Member   5.Please Blacklist Me Please!  

New Comment

By #274357 at 22,Mar,13 15:58
I h ate the ones that do it out of right field. Bastards.
By #360973 at 22,Mar,13 16:31
Yep, those bastards, the forum and first impressions can be funny in retrospect. Pie, Nice, b! & Will?
By bella! at 23,Mar,13 19:33 other posts of bella! 
To L_F, Who's Pie?

By #68656 at 22,Mar,13 15:07
That is an interesting type of conundrum or even an oxymoron. We need an answer to a question that has not been asked.
By #360349 at 22,Mar,13 20:26
i worded it that way to make sure somebody would have atleast one eyebrow raised. or at worst have a really nagging eye twitch. i found your reply the best thanks.
By #274357 at 22,Mar,13 20:38
Oh C'mon!!!!!! My quip ruled!!
By #360349 at 22,Mar,13 20:42
haha it was great. thanks. right field left field i picked left because im lefty. pretty dumb ha?

By #360973 at 22,Mar,13 02:49
Don't know if you're alluding to a past event involving you...regardless, i'm willing to attempt assisting you, if you'd like
By #360349 at 22,Mar,13 03:01
thanks. its fresh in my mind. bad time.thanksfor your help.

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