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members you *would* miss

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Started by leopoldij at 18,May,15 00:35  other posts of leopoldij
There is a discussion on another thread about members that have left and are being missed.

And it occurred to me that telling someone who's already left that they're being missed is probably too late.

How about showing your appreciation to members who are still around? Who would you miss if they left?

Similar topics: 1.Anybody else here miss *Revealed?   2.MEMBERS YOU MISS.....   3.MEMBERS Y0U MISS......   4.Sad News to Report   5.FORMER MEMBERS YOU MISS  

New Comment

By rocket1 at 15,Oct,22 14:31 other posts of rocket1 
There's a few I'd miss,,dgraff ,he has been so awesome to me!johnnygirth,just a couple guys who have been hot and awesome!!
By #672958 at 16,Oct,22 23:57
Thanks sweetie, I know I would definitely miss your big beautiful gaping pussy

By Komp122 at 14,Oct,22 07:02 other posts of Komp122 
Everett deleted his profile

By pifad at 10,Dec,16 14:40 other posts of pifad 

By #316057 at 10,Dec,16 09:09

By leopoldij at 20,May,15 22:07 other posts of leopoldij 
Here are members I would miss. They are from my friends list. I communicate with them regularly or semi-regularly, and with some more intensely at times:
63yroldpussy, arexa52, bella!, blacktits, duncanidaho, Emma, haromi69, imaslut, jorjjeta, katiecake, landofthelost, leighleigh, licksipsuckit, Love2Look, mac1977, missdefmay, MissPuss, QuelleFois, Rashi, redchilli, shortgirl, TheOneTheOnlyCum4Steffi, TheWife+Hubby, ukmilf, wowimbig
By #498033 at 17,Oct,15 05:59
I didn't make the list!! just kidding
By leopoldij at 17,Oct,15 06:34 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm sorry but we haven't met yet. You're not in my friends list. Would you like to be?

By leopoldij at 17,Oct,15 07:33 other posts of leopoldij 
Now that we met, I think I'd miss you too!
By #498033 at 17,Oct,15 07:36
I'd miss you too! Such a sweet man!
By #485312 at 25,Sep,16 06:26
yeah leo is one of a kind..a unique and caring individual..he's a great guy too *lix*
By leopoldij at 06,Oct,16 10:42 other posts of leopoldij 
Thank you; thank you. I like that. I like to be told I'm nice.
By #485312 at 06,Oct,16 11:24
you've always been lovely to me leo, never faultered and shared so much with me...l don't mind giving compliments when you deserve them...*lix*

By leopoldij at 06,Oct,16 10:41 other posts of leopoldij 
You're sweet too and you know that!

By pifad at 17,Oct,15 08:27 other posts of pifad 
I would clearly miss Bella. I don't give a rats ass what one says, she's the best! There are however too many men to mention that I'd miss and I would feel terrible if I didn't list you all.
By #68656 at 18,Oct,15 08:15
Even id she did depart the group would go on without its Matriarch, at least she is an amusing distraction from the usual idiots and crap.
By #204902 at 18,Oct,15 11:43
I would miss her too!
By bella! at 18,Oct,15 16:03 other posts of bella! 
Thank you, Bratwurst!

By #410609 at 19,Oct,15 03:42
I would miss bella dearly.
By bella! at 19,Oct,15 04:53 other posts of bella! 
Aww, bus!
By #410609 at 19,Oct,15 23:31

By #491031 at 18,Oct,15 12:37
So THAT'S your issue? Jealous because bella distracts people from YOU?
By bella! at 18,Oct,15 16:02 other posts of bella! 
Thank you, TheUnicorn!

Is there a cure for crotchety? Just my opinion, although he seems to have many issues, many of JohnS's issues could be resolved with more fiber and prune juice in his daily diet.
By #489701 at 18,Oct,15 21:27
You could pour a truckload of prune juice on the JohnS turd and he still wouldn't pass through the bowels.
By bella! at 19,Oct,15 03:56 other posts of bella! 
A truck load of prune juice wouldn't even touch the old turd, really? Who cares? It sounds like so much fun, let's continue to DREAM!!!!
By #489701 at 19,Oct,15 06:37
Okay. Sounds like an awesome plan to me.

By bella! at 18,Oct,15 16:02 other posts of bella! 
Thank you, pifad!
By #316057 at 18,Oct,15 18:56
Welcome back bella!.
By bella! at 19,Oct,15 03:57 other posts of bella! 
Awww..... thank you, *Jamie!

By Sickboy at 18,Oct,15 22:23 other posts of Sickboy 
Hey , Bella welcome back do you know it's nice to know your here
By bella! at 19,Oct,15 03:58 other posts of bella! 
Thank you, sickboy!

By #472683 at 19,Oct,15 02:43
Yes, welcome back! We all missed you, Bella. Well, we "idiots and crap".
By bella! at 19,Oct,15 03:59 other posts of bella! 
Thank you, Steffi!

By #485312 at 16,Oct,15 02:02
I would miss you Leo, you've helped me many times when lve had difficulty with using the site and technical issues, you've been patient and given step by step instructions with my inability to use new devices, you've never judged me and have treated me like a lady every moment since we met here. And l think you were the first to verify my membership too... Thank you *lix*
By leopoldij at 16,Oct,15 06:54 other posts of leopoldij 
Wow, that's very kind of you. Thank you. I always help those who ask.
By #68656 at 16,Oct,15 08:50
Dear Lix.
Leo is a real person like ourselves, he is not a fake or some pompous entity, he is the genuine article.
By leopoldij at 16,Oct,15 20:45 other posts of leopoldij 
Thank you very much.
By #485312 at 16,Oct,15 22:22
My pleasure Leo, youre here for the right reasons, to share your sexy and love of all things lusty and horny *lix *
By leopoldij at 17,Oct,15 06:50 other posts of leopoldij 
Like you. I'm not doing anything special. This is what the site is about, isn't it?
By #485312 at 18,Oct,15 04:43
[deleted image]
*lix *

By bella! at 18,Oct,15 04:11 other posts of bella! 
POMPOUS entities?

JohnS, the pot calling the kettle black.......
By #485312 at 18,Oct,15 04:14
[deleted image]
*lix *

By #68656 at 18,Oct,15 08:13
The usual totally predictable crap we have come to expect from this Australian hating individual.
Bella you come from Detroit which is the the most failed society in history so you should not really judge others, do something useful and run for Michigan governor and clean that cesspit up.
Even better team up with Boyd / Retching and run for President.
By bella! at 18,Oct,15 16:14 other posts of bella! 
I'm curious, do you feel that you're untouchable, so untouchable that rules don't pertain to you?

How is it that you feel that you are entitled to post names, members names/information in the public forum? I don't recall this member ever sharing ANY personal information in the forum. Although I have publicly shared some of my personal information, you continually post that I live in Detroit. Old man, I will remind you, AGAIN, I work in Detroit and live 50 miles north of the big city. Another thing I want to remind you, other members have been banned from posting anything in the forum for doing the very same thing.

I would encourage the member who has been compromised, to pursue the matter of JohnS's permanent ban ( from posting in the forum ) with admin.


By #460385 at 17,Oct,15 07:49
We would miss you all. So no one leave please.

By #316057 at 29,May,15 07:03

By bella! at 18,May,15 02:01 other posts of bella! 
Do you really think it's too late to tell members they're missed when you say goodbye in the MEMBERS THAT YOU MISS.... thread? That thread was created when JustLookin ( aka JustWill ) abruptly deleted his account after being harassed by a member or two. In my mind, the thread is kind of like an obituary. Members have left for various reasons and telling them ahead of time ( just my thought ) that they would be missed would not have had any bearing on whether they would have deleted their profile.

There are so many different members I would miss, the list would be soooo long and I would kick myself if I missed someone. Recently, shorttop wrote a thread saying he would be leaving. So many folks posted on this thread or contacted him directly requesting that he didn't so that after much thought, he decided to stay. On the other hand, JustWill made up his mind that he was leaving, I doubt that anyone or anything could have convinced him to stay.
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes

I miss daffu! He is not as active as he was and I will leave it at that. Stay strong, you are in our hearts!
By leopoldij at 18,May,15 09:42 other posts of leopoldij 
No, I don't think it's too late, I just thought it might be better to tell them before they leave. Maybe I'm wrong. People leave for all sorts of reasons.
By bella! at 18,May,15 12:46 other posts of bella! 
To get this thread rolling, you start. Please reach out to your favorite folks and tell them how upsetting it would be if one day, they deleted their profile. Go ahead, you start.
By leopoldij at 18,May,15 18:00 other posts of leopoldij 
Good point. I will.
By bella! at 19,May,15 00:16 other posts of bella! 

I received a private message from a member who obviously saw your thread. I guess he was too embarrassed to post that he would miss me. Maybe he was concerned about the crap he would have tossed back at him by the other members for posting such......

By #415959 at 18,May,15 22:30
I think I would miss Fairydust, if...she wasn't here.
By #316057 at 18,May,15 22:54

By jayman73 at 18,May,15 22:08 other posts of jayman73 
I would miss TheOneAndOnlyCumForSteffi if She left. Actually, She had left us for a little bit, for a very good reason. But, I hope she'll be around for a very long time. She always brightens my day, with her wonderful comments and pictures.

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