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So what's the difference

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Started by #351773 at 24,Mar,13 03:57
I've always been around cut dicks. I think they all look the same when hard though. What do uncut cock cocks have better or worse than cut.

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By pifad at 24,Mar,13 10:15 other posts of pifad 
I've had my share of both. Better or worse? That's a matter of opinion. Personally, I enjoy both. As long as it's clean, I have no complaints unless a bad personality comes along with that cock. I've met some pretty hot cocks but the guy attached was a major turnoff so a no go.

I don't however, think they all look the same. Sure some are similar in length and thickness, but I think each cock has it's own uniquness. Just my humble opinion
By bella! at 24,Mar,13 11:16 other posts of bella! 
You are spot on with all aspects of your response pifad. Each dick is uniquely different and that the attitude and/or mindset of the man that it's attached to can be a major turn-off. Although the majority if the men that I have been with were circumcised, the uncircumcised penis of my Italian boyfriend, beautiful!
By pifad at 24,Mar,13 15:39 other posts of pifad 
bella! You are a sweetheart. And you know full well what you are talking about. Always a pleasure to see you.

By #361268 at 24,Mar,13 11:17
I like cut cocks they are cleaner and nicer to look at the cocks i don't like are the bent ones the people attached to them do not go to the doctors to get them fixed as it is a bad medical condition

By #6568 at 24,Mar,13 12:24
Well since I have a foreskin I can't easily see what things would be like without it!.....However, I most certainly would NOT like to be without it!....So,

Foreskin 'pro's'.....Exquisite separate sensitivity to the rest of the penis. The foreskin is full of special nerve endings that supply this unique 'voluptus'. Secondly, it 'adds' to the overal organ that the penis is by giving another feature andn dimension ( a pussy would not be so exciting and interestign with the lips cut off!) Lastly, the foreskin protects the sensitivity and softness of the glans. I have also read a suggestion on the web that the pushed back foreskin keeps lubricant better during intercourse.

There is also the unmistakable 'joy' or watching female fingers tease back the 'hood' and feeling her squirm with pleasure as the straining purple head is laid bare....

Foreskin 'con's'......You have to be VERY careful about trouser zips!!.....getting your skin caught is something that you only do ONCE...don't ask how I know!! ......And, the biggest bug-bear of having a foreskin is using condoms...a lifelong problem for me due to my shape and rather long foreskin.

Overall, more advantages than cons, I would say.

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