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Anal sex difference between male and female?

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Started by jocstfr at 29,Mar,11 23:19  other posts of jocstfr
I am bi and have had anal sex with both males and females. I have noticed that it definitely feels different and that male and females assholes are not alike. Anybody else notice the difference?

Similar topics: 1.Is anal the same for both genders!   2.oral sex   3.Difference in perception of male and female bi/homosexuality   4.Male celeb male/female crush?   5.Presence  

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By #327529 at 22,Dec,12 19:03
The only difference I think there is-is psychological. Assholes are generally the same; it has nothing to do with gender in my opinion.
I prefer fucking women in the ass usually though there have been some guys that I really got into it (pun just happened-lol).
I like the access to a pussy and asshole at the same time with women, but then with guys, I love seeing their hard cocks while I fuck them or jack them off or they jack off to orgasm. I like that too when I'm getting it done to me.
So everyone has their both but prefer it with women...

By #59855 at 17,May,11 04:55
From Matt's Wife: L0L, Yes women just don't get into fucking at all. What a crappy generalization

By #142318 at 14,May,11 08:14
If i could have some voulenters i will conduct "research" on this topic.
By pifad at 16,May,11 03:43 other posts of pifad 
Sign me up, sovietmeat.

By #2331 at 14,May,11 09:33
Jedlicka can you pat yourself on the back?
Your so full of yourself its funny!!
Bet you can make a horse cum too!!
Grow up!!!
By #157516 at 15,May,11 22:21
i can not only pat my back, i can also suck my dick. yes i love myself and so do alot of others, if you were a little nicer maybe people would like you. as for the horse, i never fucked a horses ass, but i will if you ask me.
By #23212 at 15,May,11 23:49
Hey 'Jedlicka', when you moved from Albany to Salem, did you bring your horse, and your friends, with you?

By pifad at 09,May,11 20:56 other posts of pifad 
I have fucked both in the ass and for me, a man's ass is more exciting for me. I like the feel of his ass better for some reason.

By spermkiss at 30,Mar,11 06:36 other posts of spermkiss 
What a fascinating observation. I've fucked a lot of male asses and, though I'm gay, I have had sex with women. Never anal sex, however. I'm egar to hear what other SYD members have to say about this. Now because I want to go out and fuck female ass, but to satisfy my intellectual curiosity. Isn't that the best reason of all for wanting to know something?

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