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Started by #4162 at 08,Apr,13 13:02
Anyone got any stories on dogging to share?

Similar topics: 1.anyone been dogging   2.interested in dogging   3.dogging in UK   4.Dogging in Sweden   5.Dogging  

New Comment

By leopoldij at 09,Dec,17 14:11 other posts of leopoldij 
Dogging is great, but it takes a lot of effort to find out where it's happening and also make sure that only people who are interested in it are part of it.

Paris is good for dogging only registered users can see external links and there are sites where you can find about it. I've personally managed to be part of it, as an observer. It's great, women and men are there for sex and, at the minimum, you get to shoot your load while being watched.

By #366453 at 08,Apr,13 13:23
Well seeing as I've never had the need to traverse a frozen tundra, that will be a no.
By bella! at 08,Apr,13 13:28 other posts of bella! 
Woof, WOOF!
By #68656 at 08,Apr,13 17:04
My two mini dachshunds enjoyed their latest rabitting trip, they explored numerous warrens and managed to get dirty as usual.
Today they went for a ride in the car and barked at the neigbour`s cat.

[deleted image]
By #215672 at 09,Apr,13 00:52
i just love those to john

Adult Discussion Forum