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Rat My Dick

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
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Started by #303133 at 12,Apr,13 02:56
[deleted image]

Similar topics: 1.let's vote about "longdick" out or in?? i have a small dick average dick or big dick just curious?   3.Father and son - silimar dick?   4.first time getting my dick stroked and sucked by a guy   5.lunch time  

New Comment

By #353810 at 13,Apr,13 05:29
[deleted image]
By DarkMax at 16,Apr,13 20:10 other posts of DarkMax 
Oh! I have suck thing

By #303133 at 16,Apr,13 14:21
It has been brought to my attention that some members find the photo in this thread, and my avatar, to be offensive.

I apologize to anyone who was offended. That was not my intent. I was merely attempting to make a visual joke about all of the "Rate My Dick" topics. The rat is fake, and the penis is a dildo. I no advocate of sexual congress with our furred or feathered friends.

Again, I apologize for any harm I have done to the members of the SYD forum by posting this photo...
I have deleted the offensive photo, and changed my avatar back to the penguin. Don't know why they are still here, but I tried.
By bella! at 16,Apr,13 14:46 other posts of bella! 
There was no harm done. The only harm was the injustice done. Why do the panel members even bother to entertain the accusations and complaint(s) made by fake, YES, FAKE members? Perhaps the panel should weigh and vote on whether the fake members with shell profiles are worth keeping or whether their profiles should be deleted. Think about that!
By #303133 at 16,Apr,13 16:05
In fairness, bella, the panel did not demand that I remove the pics. I deleted them myself as a gesture of good will.

As I have said before, I enjoy playing in the forum and do not want anything I say or do here to be considered as an intentional offense to any honest member.
I am sure that my penguin avatar will also be referred. Most likely by the same members.
By Ray10754 at 16,Apr,13 16:20 other posts of Ray10754 
Will !! I just find it hard to imagine that (Suposedly GROWN ADULTS) Have so much free time on there hands to even think of picking on such a trivial matter! There is no need to apoligize at all, you did nothing wrong! But I guess we could accept your apology for when and if you do mess up !!

Adult Discussion Forum