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semen freezing any one else do this?

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Started by #374970 at 13,Apr,13 22:49
I recently began to save my ejaculate and freeze it immediately after orgasm .I would collect it in a air tight container with a snap on lid to preserve its freshnessafter about 25 ejaculations I was suprosed at the volue of sperm in the container .every now and then I will break a piece of the frozen sperm off and use it to add to food like strawberries its so hot to do this anyone else in to this ?

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New Comment

By #693957 at 06,May,23 19:04
That's how i got started eating cum. I would freeze mine then let the frozen cum melt in my mouth the next time I jacked off. When it came time to actually suck a guys cock swallowing was easy.
By #711401 at 21,Apr,24 14:45
I thought I was the only one who did this!

By neednopants at 18,May,23 08:09 other posts of neednopants 
Icecubes made of cum are perfect for mixing some very special cocktails. I use about five or six loads and do not store it in the fridge all to long, a week, maybe 10 days. When I am wanking and really hot, I prepar a cocktail My favorite: some orange juice, some sparkling wine, a little bit of Aperol and peppermint, topped by the sperm-cubes. Wait about one minute to get the cocktail pretty cold - it is delicious !!!!

By #689467 at 02,May,23 21:42
I just started to freeze my loads of cum in a medicine jar. Eventually I plan to thaw it all out and swallow it all on video. So far I have about a dozen loads. I want to fill up the jar. It's not a big jar but I was surprised out how long it takes to fill it up. I guess if I was 30 years younger I'd have bigger loads. LOL...

By #164428 at 14,Apr,13 03:52
By #362795 at 14,Apr,13 20:09

By bella! at 13,Apr,13 23:08 other posts of bella! 
If the strawberries aren't sweet, I use Splenda.

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