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Why partial to small or large?

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Started by Odin_york_pa at 15,May,13 14:28  other posts of Odin_york_pa
I have been a member here for a few weeks and have noticed that everyone is partial to either the really small or really large cocks. I know most think a huge cock is more masculine, I don't feel as so. Admittedly, I like small ones and do not very much care for the monsters lol. The smaller the better. But what about us "average" guys? We tend to get skipped over it seems. Why do you think YOU are partial to one or the other, if you are. I like the smaller ones because they are most aesthetically pleasing and much,much easier to suck and also if I were to try anal I would rather it be a nice small/thin one than some huge thing trying to get in there

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New Comment

By pifad at 16,May,13 04:50 other posts of pifad 
I don't discriminate. I like all cock. Much prefer a guy with a great sense of self worth and humor regardless of the size of his tool

By #188764 at 15,May,13 14:57
I like small, but not TOO small. Between 4 and 5 inches is my idea of perfect for sucking.

By gradurgaur at 15,May,13 14:42 other posts of gradurgaur 
I thing I have aveg size cock.
For me size dont matter i like the person more then what he is packing ehehehhe

Adult Discussion Forum