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Thank you small guys!

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Started by bigone21 at 05,Jul,13 21:04  other posts of bigone21
Because without small or medium, there would be NO big!!

And that's what I like to show off!

Similar topics: 1.18-35yr Old guys who love small cocks or have small penises   2.Small Black Cocks guys with small dicks   4.Small Penis Wannabes??   5.Do small or short guys have small dicks ?  

New Comment

By gazlittlewilly at 12,Jul,14 10:20 other posts of gazlittlewilly 
My pleasure

By #373130 at 02,Jul,14 05:05
[deleted image]

I want to serve men with big dick
By spermkiss at 02,Jul,14 17:33 other posts of spermkiss 
And I want to serve men with micros, you, for example. Great small penis and spectacular bush.

By #194437 at 06,Jul,13 17:27
No Problem! I do my best that your huge dicks look even more impressive!

[deleted image]
By bigone21 at 06,Jul,13 17:47 other posts of bigone21 
thanks! and you're doing great! yes, small dick, but great body and asshole!!

By #4222 at 06,Jul,13 19:15
Hi from Lahbr fan!
By spermkiss at 02,Jul,14 17:32 other posts of spermkiss 
And I am too! Hi micro and his lean, hairless body are hot, Hot, HOT. It would appear that a lot of other SYD members feel the same way because he often has photos on the Most Popular page.

By #435701 at 02,Jul,14 17:24
As a not so endowed man, I am fascinated with big cocks! Thanx for showing your beauty! Lovely head on top of such a long, sexy shaft!

By #81191 at 06,Jul,13 14:13
Nothing like a good range although there is a 30cm club in California
By bigone21 at 06,Jul,13 17:51 other posts of bigone21 
30 cm club? could you post some information about that??

By #312164 at 06,Jul,13 02:39
Glad to be of assistance.

By Pierogi80 at 05,Jul,13 21:05 other posts of Pierogi80 
Damn bro. That's mammoth!

Adult Discussion Forum