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18-35yr Old guys who love small cocks or have small penises

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Started by #61376 at 11,May,10 04:46
There never seems to be good sites to find guys who genuinely like small cocks, without any of that humiliation crap that goes on.

Similar topics: 1.Do you like little dicks? Or not? Tell me why!   2.SMALLDICK CLUB   3.under 35yrs old with small penises or likes small penise....   4.Small Black Cocks   5.Small Penis Wannabes??  

New Comment

By #463848 at 14,Nov,22 15:28
There are a couple of groups on here.

By wycowboy at 13,Sep,22 15:01 other posts of wycowboy 
Having a small cock myself I would have to say that I love small ones!

By #647027 at 12,Sep,22 13:06
Small is easier to suck!

By #678044 at 12,Sep,22 07:22

By #653223 at 10,Jul,22 02:53
Hi I have a small penis how big are yours

By #64328 at 07,Oct,19 09:43
Nothing wrong with small cocks. I have always thought average and smaller are great

By #479082 at 31,Mar,15 12:22
I have a small one and yes I prefer small/normal sized.
I feel more confortable.
By #463848 at 14,Jan,18 09:23
So do I. Love to see them from soft.

By Rayb1054 at 18,Sep,15 01:09 other posts of Rayb1054 

By #486847 at 31,Mar,15 10:33
well mine aint big. i grew up with a father who had a horse cock and i was in awe but to be honest i am not bothered bout size. a nice looking, nice tasting one is all i need. a guy with a small one can be as hot and hotter than a guy with a big one. i admit i wish i had grown up huge like my dad but an happy with mine!

By #378916 at 31,May,14 04:56
[deleted image] see, like I said, definitely not big.

By #194437 at 19,May,14 17:25
[deleted image]
By gazlittlewilly at 21,May,14 20:27 other posts of gazlittlewilly 
Such a sexy guy

By spermkiss at 28,May,14 14:38 other posts of spermkiss 
Man, you are the champion micro man! Not only do you have a stunningly beautiful micro, but you also have a lovely pair of balls and a nice, lean, hairless physique. On top of everything else, you take spectacular photos of yourself.

By #378916 at 28,May,14 07:17
Mine is definitely not big

By Cutewilly at 04,Apr,13 20:28 other posts of Cutewilly 
I consider myself to have a small cock and I'm pleased with what I've got. I also like small cocks as well as some slightly bigger ones.

By #75047 at 14,May,10 13:17
I'm small and I love small!

[deleted image]
By hytiger at 14,May,10 18:43 other posts of hytiger 
You also claim to be 50... read the topic title!

By #59848 at 11,May,10 05:17
I don't know what to tell you honestly. I know that there are a lot of small guys on here. Most, like me, are looking for women. But at least you can find some appreciation on this site.
By MoeJoe at 11,May,10 10:41 other posts of MoeJoe 
I'm curious as to how you base your statement that most small cocked men here are looking for women.....

By slipper at 11,May,10 06:06 other posts of slipper 
Many like small... on almost any cock site. I'm one of them and I don't like to humiliate anyone, even if they like it.

Adult Discussion Forum