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Small vagina humiliation

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Started by #404042 at 07,Aug,13 05:02
God damn, that pussy is so small! I'd try to fuck it, but would my cock even fit? If I impregnated you, would you even be capable of birthing our baby without a c-section?

Are you even capable of having sex? You must be a virgin! What do you do, suck cocks all the time? What a useless little pussy!

Similar topics: 1.deepness of a vagina/profundidad de la vagina?   2.18-35yr Old guys who love small cocks or have small penises   3.can you increased my humiliation?   4.Vagina Size Outer Perspective?   5.Help understanding the appeal of Small Penis Humiliation  

New Comment

By small_dik at 27,Aug,15 06:40 other posts of small_dik 
I'd love to meet a woman with a small vagina - it'd be a match made in heaven

By #303133 at 07,Aug,13 14:19
Dude, that's her Belly Button, not her Vagina! Put on your glasses and aim a bit lower...
By bigone21 at 09,Aug,13 16:43 other posts of bigone21 

By #485312 at 22,Aug,15 08:52
look out for that bellybutton fluff, could clog the end of your dick *lix*

By #301038 at 07,Aug,13 05:11
I thought having a small vagina was kind of a benefit... would you rather fuck a cow pussy instead?
By #93876 at 07,Aug,13 05:13
He loves cow pussy!!
By #404042 at 07,Aug,13 05:15
Depends on who you ask...

A wise man once said, "Girls with loose pussies have better sex, which leads them to have much more sex, loosening their pussies even more. It’s a vicious cycle."
By #93876 at 07,Aug,13 05:18
Hm your wise man doesn't know what he is talking about. They may have more sex because they can't feel shit so they have to keep trying! Lol
By #404042 at 07,Aug,13 05:23
Well it lasts longer at least
By #93876 at 07,Aug,13 05:26
Lets test that theory
By #404042 at 07,Aug,13 05:28
I don't have sex with human females. Only cows with rockin' udders
By #10886 at 07,Aug,13 15:17
That is udderly ridiculous!
By #340409 at 16,Sep,13 00:15
Lets not all get Moooody

By #409634 at 07,Aug,13 05:05
Youre the biggest pussy of them all John
By #404042 at 07,Aug,13 05:06
When you finger yourself, do you bleed? Do you lacerate your vagina with your fingers?

If I tried to fuck you, would my dick bend backwards?
By #409634 at 07,Aug,13 15:25
Duh silly! Your dick does that on it's own.
By #404042 at 07,Aug,13 15:45
*cue entrance of Bendy*
By #23212 at 08,Aug,13 01:23
Oh don't worry, he'll be here soon enough, since he puts himself virtually everywhere.

By #407908 at 07,Aug,13 05:22
Ha ha! Satirical juxtaposition. Good one!

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