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Am I paranoid, or is there a pattern?

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Started by #301038 at 11,Aug,13 00:42
I've noticed something interesting this months and would like to share this with you all.

I have blocked several members recently and I think this sparked an outbreak of clones. My inbox is full of messages from people that created their profile within a week, have less than 5 points and have suspicious pics. Also, the style of writing seems to be the same as well. Some of them add me as their friend without saying a word, while others give a compliment and ask to see more pictures.

Why is this suspicious?

1. Points. When you create an account you get 60 points, if I remember correctly. How come you spend all your points within a day? But when a person creates a duplicate account, they get like 1 point.

2. Writing style. small letters no punctuation lots of

3. Length of the profile existence. Nothing older than August 4th.

4. Topic of discussion. Unlike most messages, they don't evolve around the members cock and put me as an object of interest, which is kind of weird for a newbie.

5. Lack of interaction on the site. Not a single comment left anywhere on the site by this member. Barely any mutual friends.

6. Quality of pictures. Unlike an average newbie with couple of pictures taken at the same time, usually with the same angle, some of these profiles got 10-15 pictures of the bet and some of them were taken from a distance, different times, different hair styles, which make me think that they could have been stolen form another member on a different site.

7. Motive. Somebody got pissed, and wants to infiltrate my circle of friends, gain trust and access to my "for friends only" pictures to do something evil with them afterwards.

Conclusion: Every single reason I presented could be argued with, it could be a mere coincidence, but I have a gut feeling that there is something fishy about this and too many coincidences make up a pattern. I can almost see the same signature all over these messages and profiles.

From now on, I will not add anyone as a friend unless they have been here for a while, don't follow the pattern and have a proof picture.

Have you ever noticed anything like that?

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New Comment

By #145304 at 13,Aug,13 00:02
sounds like you still have a lot of blocking to do

By boxasd at 11,Aug,13 15:13 other posts of boxasd 
i never got points for signing up i got my points for "pics/actions on the site" according to my points log

By #204766 at 11,Aug,13 11:55
Sounding like a bit of an idiot I am but how do you get more points do you have to buy them because the idea of using credit cards online I really don't like
By #301038 at 11,Aug,13 12:00
read this

By #204766 at 11,Aug,13 13:03
By #301038 at 11,Aug,13 13:28
seems like you got the idea.

You want more points, post more pics, leave more comments, attract more people to check out your profile and you will get more points.
By #204766 at 11,Aug,13 15:10
I like that idea

By **FlyingCum** at 11,Aug,13 06:53 other posts of **FlyingCum** 
I have to agree with you here as well. I've had something very similar going on. New members that upload a pic and then not even 2 mins later are sending me a msg. I've also had more than normal ppl lately with no pics all contacting me. It just seems suss to me. :-/
By #301038 at 11,Aug,13 07:09
When I joined, I didn't know about messages for the first couple of days. Also, I receive messages when I'm offline from new members. They have to look for me to find my page, you know.
By **FlyingCum** at 11,Aug,13 07:46 other posts of **FlyingCum** 
Yes!! That happens to me as well. It took me a couple of days of being on the site to find my way around it. So it makes me suspicious of any new guy that starts talking to me.
By #301038 at 11,Aug,13 07:55
exactly, have you noticed that they barely got any points as well?
By **FlyingCum** at 11,Aug,13 08:04 other posts of **FlyingCum** 
I've never taken any notice of that as I thought u always started with only a couple of points.
By #301038 at 11,Aug,13 11:01
You start with 80 points.. If you want to see something interesting go to the member list, select "registration date" and click search, it will direct you to this page. /search_by_name.php?qq=&country=0&sex=4&order=1

Click on the last members and check how many points they have. If it's a first time they create an account, they would have 80 points, if it's a duplicate account it will have 0 points until the member adds a pic or does something on the website. Check these members out
Mullerj22, dutchie, smooth29, uncutchinese....
By **FlyingCum** at 11,Aug,13 11:44 other posts of **FlyingCum** 
Thanks for that! I will check that out.
By #301038 at 11,Aug,13 11:50
By **FlyingCum** at 11,Aug,13 12:10 other posts of **FlyingCum** 
There is lots when u start looking. Thanks for that info. I wouldn't of realised it.

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