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How small is too small?

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Started by LordFunkyDick69 at 29,May,14 17:52  other posts of LordFunkyDick69
I'm really paranoid about the size of my penis? What does everyone think?

Similar topics: 1.under 35yrs old with small penises or likes small penise....   2.Small Penis Wannabes??   3.Small boyfriend?   4.Do small or short guys have small dicks ?   5.Are some asses naturally so tight that it's impossible to have fun ass fucking?  

New Comment

By spermkiss at 30,May,14 17:03 other posts of spermkiss 
It does look as though it's on the low end of average, but so what? No matter what size you are, you can be sure that there are people, and a lot of them, who like that size. Indeed, there are a lot of guys with micros who get off on showing them off and numerous web sites devoted to the micro penis.

Your dick is lovely, so drop your pants with pride and show it off.
By #457775 at 30,May,14 19:15
you're so right, spermkiss

By LordFunkyDick69 at 30,May,14 23:44 other posts of LordFunkyDick69 
Thanks aha

By #457775 at 30,May,14 19:15
looks fine, nice cock

By #144821 at 29,May,14 18:28
Looks fine!
By LordFunkyDick69 at 29,May,14 18:44 other posts of LordFunkyDick69 
By #462348 at 30,May,14 15:10
It's perfect... also it looks like the plumbing is working well...enjoy...
By LordFunkyDick69 at 30,May,14 16:14 other posts of LordFunkyDick69 
Thank you

By pifad at 30,May,14 06:00 other posts of pifad 
Your cock is beautiful. I'd enjoy a romp with you anytime.

By WristThick at 29,May,14 22:54 other posts of WristThick 
This is one of the worst sites on the internet to help you build your self esteem in the penis size department!!!

By hairypussywife at 29,May,14 22:46 other posts of hairypussywife 
looks fine to me!

By LordFunkyDick69 at 29,May,14 18:15 other posts of LordFunkyDick69 
This is true aha

Adult Discussion Forum