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Middle aged/ older cocks?

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Started by #420985 at 11,Aug,13 01:47
I love seeing men around 40+ cocks. If you're middle age or older, please show me your penis!

Similar topics: 1.Do you like wanking rather then Sex wife your Middle Aged Wife?   2.Getting Older   3.comparison between young and older cocks   4.i love my middle aged cock...   5.Older cocks more arousing  

New Comment

By #316057 at 05,Sep,13 09:26
[deleted image]....63

By #41447 at 30,Aug,13 20:06
My Dick at age 61


By #205329 at 29,Aug,13 05:17
[deleted image]

59 yrs.

By #61033 at 21,Aug,13 21:50
My 52 yo cock...
[deleted image]

By #161462 at 18,Aug,13 23:24
Here's my 51 year old cock
By Gntlmn at 21,Aug,13 16:52 other posts of Gntlmn young...

By Frenum at 19,Aug,13 04:18 other posts of Frenum 
57 year old unut cock i skype as frenum4 love to cum on cam

By #423426 at 18,Aug,13 23:57

By #161491 at 11,Aug,13 20:39
My husband and I are in our late 40's.

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 15,Aug,13 12:49 other posts of 3fdfd 
and both of you guys have wonderful cocks - you have any pics from your earlier years ?

By #285354 at 13,Aug,13 00:19
Another 40 Plus
[deleted image]

By Ade59 at 12,Aug,13 21:19 other posts of Ade59 
I'm 59 and horny

By #10886 at 11,Aug,13 10:16
[deleted image]

64...mine works well without any drugs or splints.
By #316255 at 11,Aug,13 13:35
Or splints?
By bigguy at 12,Aug,13 09:22 other posts of bigguy 
Absolutely no disrespect meant here but I've heard duct tape works well. Hopefully ya'll will realize the humor here and know i'm joking! It was told to me and ever since i've been trying it I havn't found a lady that would stop laughing long enough for me to give it a test run with her.
This shit keeps bending in the middle but actually it seems to improve the situation so it may be good advice after all!
I will stay in touch as to how this all proves out. I have found a lady that is more than willing to give it a go but we are waiting for the two ends to cooperate now that the middle seems to be ready. Have a great day!

By #157044 at 12,Aug,13 07:41
Here's mine - in my 60's and still as hard and spunky as ever!
[deleted image]
[deleted image]

By #410609 at 12,Aug,13 06:50
46 year old cock. Still works like new![deleted image]

By #201155 at 12,Aug,13 05:06
Here's mine! Hope you like it. Lots more pics and videos on my page

[deleted image]

By #417718 at 12,Aug,13 04:51
I'm 43.

[deleted image]

By #261269 at 11,Aug,13 20:35
Mine-[deleted image]

By #204902 at 11,Aug,13 16:59
[deleted image]

By pifad at 11,Aug,13 03:00 other posts of pifad 
64 here, check my profile

Adult Discussion Forum