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Getting Older

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Started by #88754 at 11,Feb,11 16:04
Do woman get horner as they get older like men. Or is it the other way. It seams to me that I need more sex (jerking-off)the older I get. I look at cocks every day, never had one yet, but think I would like to.

Similar topics: 1.OLDER WOMEN   2.OLDER MEN   3.younger or older ???   4.older men   5.Older guys offended by younger guys not liking them  

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By #662360 at 12,Jan,24 22:08
When I was younger I suffered from premature ejaculation and often shot my load as soon as I got my cock into my woman. Now I’m older that problem has gone. It’s also harder work and takes longer shagging my woman till I cum but i don’t mind that! Also my woman was very slim when she was younger and she felt quite bony under me. Now she’s older and plumper she’s nice and soft under me. There are benefits to being older!

By #539358 at 26,Aug,17 08:40
I'm 49 and I still like to knock one out everyday.
By #423426 at 26,Aug,17 23:44
I just knew you were British from the "knock one out".
By #539358 at 01,Sep,17 09:29
Heh! It is one of our favourite sayings!

By #527431 at 27,Aug,17 02:03
I learned that getting older is not a bad thing. Everything changes and get some different meaning. I like that, looks to me more as a new experience....

By #485312 at 01,Apr,17 08:12
getting older sux, l still love sex the same, that hasn't diminished at all, but my strength and energy isnt what it used to be. l love young cock because it is harder and who wouldn't love fucking someone half their age... *lix*
By #220845 at 26,Aug,17 20:57
I agree with you

By phart at 26,Aug,17 15:37 other posts of phart 
best I can tell even if I can still cut the mustard,no one wants to make a sandwich. Grey hair and dickydoo disorder don't help matters.

Dickydoo disorder is when the belly sticks out further than the dicky do.

By veryshyguy at 26,Aug,17 02:57 other posts of veryshyguy 
I'm 68 and hornier than I was when I was younger! But since I don't fuck anymore I guess that might have something to do with it. I don't think we lose our desire as we age. Just my 2 cents.

By #519017 at 27,May,17 22:59
Married 20+ years and my wife's even more horny than when we married, especially since I can keep going for ages up her vagina now I'm older too!

By leopoldij at 28,Mar,17 01:01 other posts of leopoldij 
The older you get the more relaxed to become about sex matters, you learn to separate sex from love, you look back and you see missed opportunities due to silly inhibitions and you don't mind fucking when your need to fuck and openly expressing your needs. Well, yeah, I'm talking about myself and a few others I know.

By #530860 at 27,Mar,17 20:29
I'm 62 and it takes a bit longer to get going and a bit longer to start cumming, otherwise my horniness has never changed.

By #69439 at 12,Feb,11 12:22
I'm gettin up there too 60 and these days I'm too lazy to fuck the ol lady but when a young one comes my way I'm right on her!
By freakyfrenchie at 12,Feb,11 12:36 other posts of freakyfrenchie 
i could fuck your old lady for you

By slipper at 12,Feb,11 06:44 other posts of slipper 
I'm in my mid-60s and sex is as important to me as ever!

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