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Started by #323741 at 24,Aug,13 18:15
This site its becaming very boring.. especialy i think for straght guys.. Nothing is hapening, if you send somebody a message nobody is answering, theres no any kind of interest in anything except abviously showing off..
Anybody agree?

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New Comment

By CreativeOne at 24,Aug,13 23:31 other posts of CreativeOne 
I Always answer my messages ! Feel free to stop by anytime !!!

By #323741 at 24,Aug,13 18:46
all i get are stupid messages frog gay guys which dont read that im straight..
Thanks for loving my cock but no thanks..
By #409634 at 24,Aug,13 19:20
Those frog gay guys are some fruity little jumping bastards aren't they!
By #303133 at 24,Aug,13 19:33
Their legs are mighty tasty if you dip them in corn meal and beer batter and fry 'em up, though!
By #409137 at 24,Aug,13 19:47
Yep mine tried to feed me a line about if I kissed him he would turn into a handsome prince. Tell you what Will by the time where finished Mr Wantsome wont be bored.
By #303133 at 24,Aug,13 19:48
Unfortunately, there isn't much we can do about all the gays gaying up the place.
By johnp at 24,Aug,13 20:28 other posts of johnp 
Wait a minute..., what r we talking about here!!?? They're not letting the gays on the Internet now r they??

By #409137 at 24,Aug,13 20:01
Hey Mr Wantsome you had just as many straight guy's as gay or bi commenting on your pic's bro
By #323741 at 24,Aug,13 20:29
but i dont want guys comments dude.. i want some women activity but women here sucks.. Thats all im saying bro
By #278535 at 24,Aug,13 20:32

By #323741 at 24,Aug,13 19:55
for example im here to show myself and to see others (ladies ofcourse) and from time to time have some fun like meet someone, exchange more pics in private, skype maybe..
Anyway we are all from diferent corners of the world but everybody like they are shy or something.. not interested so i asked myself why are everybody here then?
By bella! at 24,Aug,13 20:15 other posts of bella! 
Everyone is not here for the same reason(s). Some members clearly state in their profile, no Skype, no Cam2Cam, no e-mail, no text, in other words, nothing more than the interaction here and that does not even guarantee that you will receive a response on your PM. As for exchanging more pictures in private, may I ask why you feel a need to have additional pictures? Do you feel that the pictures that the member posts aren't adequate or enough? Seriously, accept SYD for what it is, SYD is an adult site that provides an avenue for everyday people to post and perv over pictures of "naughty bits". If you think you are going to meet your "Ms. Right", I highly doubt it is going to happen.

By *kmadeau* at 24,Aug,13 19:54 other posts of *kmadeau* 
and what you wanna, man, when you have Zero friend here, almost Zero comment, Zero favorite Cunts or Dicks...ect...
Just try to be more friendly and speak nicely to members here and the people will drive your page a lot, be sure, because you look very great!

By #409137 at 24,Aug,13 18:31
Yea I agree lets get some pole dancers and a happy hour and ban any one with a BIG cock What say Bro
By *kmadeau* at 24,Aug,13 18:40 other posts of *kmadeau* 

Adult Discussion Forum