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What's the gayest cities in America?

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Started by #425420 at 28,Aug,13 08:14
I think New York,San Francisco, or Washington DC. That's just my opinion. Let me know what you think

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New Comment

By leopoldij at 02,Oct,15 21:07 other posts of leopoldij 
By #23212 at 03,Oct,15 07:07
There IS a London in 'America'--that is North America, where the city of London, Ontario, Canada is a medium large one. I suppose you mean that, eh non, given your vast knowledge of World geography?
By leopoldij at 03,Oct,15 08:11 other posts of leopoldij 
Glad you picked on that. It was, of course, a pun. First, there is a London , Ohio. Could be a gay town, I don't know. Then there is THE London. Certainly , a gay town. But then, you'd say, London is not in America. Well, are we sure? Isn't the UK behaving like US puppet? And how about the royal family? Does it not own much to its adoration by Americans?

By #181785 at 03,Oct,15 04:34
North Hollywood!

By #443664 at 02,Oct,15 16:07
Gotta be San Francisco
By spermkiss at 02,Oct,15 16:28 other posts of spermkiss 
Yep, the corner of Eighteenth and Castro Streets here in San Francisco is the center of the gay universe.

By 3fdfd at 02,Oct,15 15:00 other posts of 3fdfd 
Of all the odd places, I saw Salt Lake City, Utah, on a list of gay cities. That's probably the last place I would have thought of.

By JeffinKS at 28,Aug,13 11:35 other posts of JeffinKS 
Dallas, Austin, Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Denver

By bella! at 28,Aug,13 10:56 other posts of bella! 
Basically, any large city anywhere.

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