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The Nobel Peace Prize 🏅

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Started by #551147 at 09,Sep,20 10:44
In a STUNNING announcement:

The President of the United States of America 🇺🇸
Donald John Trump - America's 45th President

HAS been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his relentless work to secure a HISTORIC peace agreement between Israel 🇮🇱 and the United Arab Emirates 🇦🇪.

A most well deserved nomination for what seemed like an impossible feat. 👏👏👏 Good Luck!

We can only hope that the voting is fairly considered. 🤞

Similar topics: 1.COCK COMPETIT ION   2.guess my size and get a prize!!!   3.Many Thanks   4.Hottest Christmas themed pic contest   5.Science is Real!  

New Comment

By #485312 at 22,May,21 21:10
peace never lasts long there, they should stick a few pounds of pot in those missiles, light em up and get em all high.. then maybe if they get the giggles and the munchies, they would all get on a lot better.. send them some pop corn and a good movie and some more scoobies for later ... *lix*

By leopoldij at 21,May,21 17:40 other posts of leopoldij 
[deleted image]
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This is better than a nobel piss prize

By tecsan at 31,Oct,20 05:37 other posts of tecsan 
No, do you not think obama deserved it for all his screw ups and lies...༼☯﹏☯༽

By leopoldij at 10,Sep,20 17:56 other posts of leopoldij 
🇺🇸 🇺🇲 🇺🇸 🇺🇲 Trump forever. With peace, prosperity, and freedom for those who deserve it.

The Norwegian politician, Tybring-Gjedde, member of parliament, representing the Progress Party of Norway, is a respectable intellectual, with lots of ideas and will to move his country forward. He has a say in the Novel Piece Prize Committee, one of the most prestigious and neutral organisations in the world. The proposal will be supported by Jimmie Еkesson, Sweden's superb politician, head of Sverige Demokraterna. Sweden traditionally has a say in this prize because when the prize was instituted Sweden and Norway were the same country. Both Tybring-Gjedde and Еkesson are god fearing people and this also plays a role because the Nobel Peace Prize Committee consults religious leaders across the world, for example, Pope Francis, Patriarch Bartholomew, Parsi Ahura Mazda, the Dalai Lama, Abbas Yakub, and many others. I hope Trump wins. After all, I find it ridiculous that Barak Obama received the Nobel Peace prize even before he did anything. He didn't deserve it. Whereas President Trump has already finished his first term and has already established peace in Israel by recognizing that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Nobody else in the world dared to do that out of fear. Trump is fearless. His doesn't just promise peace, no empty words, but he enforces peace as will. The historic recognition of Jerusalem as capital is seen as having root in King Solomon (also known as Suleyman) who died in 931 BC. His successor, Rehoboam, did nothing for Jerusalem. The world had to wait 2020+930=2950 years for Trump to achieve this historic peace treaty. With only one signature, he managed to achieve what nobody, in three thousand years dared to achieve. The peace prize of Donald J Trump will be seen as the most important in the history of mankind. I hope he wins.
By #188992 at 10,Sep,20 19:06
"Novel Piece"? Fucking priceless. The rest of your drivel is pretty risible too.
By leopoldij at 11,Sep,20 23:59 other posts of leopoldij 
Thanks. 🇺🇸 🇺🇲 🇺🇸 🇺🇲 Trump forever 🇺🇸 🇺🇲 🇺🇸 🇺🇲
Military strength
Literary criticism
Food, coq au vin in particular
Trump. Because he loves you.
By #188992 at 12,Sep,20 10:13
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The factual elements are up for debate, but I would argue that he has a point.

PS. you're claiming coq au vin? Priceless!
By leopoldij at 12,Sep,20 11:28 other posts of leopoldij 
President Trump loves coq au vin and so does the first lady. She licks it clean.

But my point is, mister, that president Trump has achieved what no president did before. Not even Jefferson. Not even Lincoln. Not even Marconi. He's managed to say whatever he likes, in order to achieve freedom of one country under god. Everyone listens when he speaks. He has balls to say one thing one day and another the other if needed in order to achieve greatness.

And what's up with the video you posted? Communists no doubt made it. America is the greatest country in the world. Most Americans know that the lies spread by the rest of the underdeveloped world aren't true. Americans have the balls to know that the earth is 6 thousand years old and god loves America (except the liberal commies) and has given her his angels, the evangelists, to propagate freedom and save it from evil.

That's what Trump is dude. He makes America be what god decided it to be.

And he loves fricasse au poivres et oignons rogues avec la bite de son pere et sa salope mere au feu du bois. And if you don't know about food, that's because you got no money and that's because you're a loser and don't support trump who'll make you rich.
By #188992 at 12,Sep,20 11:37
OK, I get it now - you're another fruitcake!

Case closed.

Votre goыt de la nourriture est aussi fou que votre religion. Allez-vous en.
By leopoldij at 12,Sep,20 16:12 other posts of leopoldij 
I don't know what you're hinting buddy.
You're jealous because Trump fucks and you don't.
Yes, he has money and he can buy women, but you don't.
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That's the American way buddy.
If you were smart you'd have money too.
Trump has money.
Trump fucks any cunt he wants.
Trump is great.
By #188992 at 12,Sep,20 16:37
You probably don't know what I'm hinting, because I haven't made any fucking hints! Like I said: fruitcake.

Are you just needled because I pointed out that you typed "Novel Piece" when you meant "Nobel Peace"? If so: tough shit, dumbass - YOU typed it!

PS. I'm not, and never will be, your "buddy". If you want to chow down on "la bite de votre pere", go for it. I'm also guessing that this post reinforces the impression people on here have: that you pay for sex?
By leopoldij at 15,Sep,20 13:53 other posts of leopoldij 
Not only should Trump get the Nobel Peece prize but also the Physic prize because he correctly stated:

I don't think science knows about climate change.

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He saw the fires in the west of the UsA and analyzed the disaster he said it is the poor management of forests that result into this catastrophic thing and he's right because these states vote for Democrats and those donkeys knows nothin bout managing.

Trump knows science. He even has a university. Who has a university? You can't have a university without being scientistic. Other scientists hide behind some shitty scientific articles with scientific equations and scribbles that nobody understands and nobody cares about. Trump makes it simple even for ordinary intelligent people and says science does not now. He has a plan. He will get rid of fires when he becomes president because now he works hard to protect himself from the commies leftists who want him out and has no thyme to deal with everything.

Trump should get double price one in Paece and one in Physic sciense.

Make America great again 2020 🇺🇲
2020 🇺🇲 2020 🇺🇲

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By #188992 at 15,Sep,20 13:55
Oh it's the "Peece" or "Paece" prize now? Fucking classic.

"Trump knows science"? Ha fucking ha. He's definitely "scientistic" - made up words now, fruitcake?

Fuck off and play in traffic, you strange individual.
By leopoldij at 28,Sep,20 16:18 other posts of leopoldij 
Keip America graet again 2020 🇺🇲
2024 🇺🇲 2047 🇺🇲
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🇺🇲 2093 🇺🇲
By #188992 at 28,Sep,20 16:45
I guess you think you're a wit? Sorry - only half right.
By leopoldij at 28,Sep,20 18:53 other posts of leopoldij 
America keep Trump for ever.
If you don't like Trump go to Voodooland.
--------------------------------------- added after 125 hours


By #551147 at 28,Sep,20 19:59
That's far too much credit, Sir Huxley999!

As a self described master of fucking, I contend he's more of a dimly lit fuckwit at best.

🇺🇸 FREE Kyle Rittenhouse 🇺🇸

By #610802 at 24,Oct,20 09:48
fuck.... amazing ... you are actually a moron

By #551147 at 09,Oct,20 12:45

The results are in...

The winner of the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize,

goes to the World Food Programme (WFP) 😐

Congrats to them, whoever the fuck they are. 

Thanks to ALL that participated in this thread.

Abagurio, Ananas2xLekker, AussieMan187, Bigg, Bil47, Curvy8, Huxley999, Kebmo, Leopoldij, Notynyt, Phart, Sergius, Sinanff47, Skittles, SrCums, Tecsan, & Zorilla.

🇺🇸 Protect The 1st & 2nd Amendments - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
By #188992 at 09,Oct,20 13:26
Many thanks.

PS. proclaiming your ignorance of the WFP just makes you look like an ignorant shitkicker.

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Feel free to educate yourself about the worthy (imo) winners.
By phart at 09,Oct,20 14:20 other posts of phart 
I never knew what it was either.Never pay that kind of stuff any attention.
If they actually do good, then I rather see that group get it that someone like Obamma
By #188992 at 09,Oct,20 14:33
You had never heard of the WFP? Fuck me. Why am I NOT surprised?

One m in Obama, by the way. I know how much you love my corrections.

By tecsan at 10,Oct,20 02:15 other posts of tecsan 
Shows that Obama had a reason to win, nobody even cared whom he was...We all know why he won...You are right, I am with you there who the fuck is WFP...I have never heard of them...༼☯﹏☯༽

By #502711 at 10,Oct,20 05:37
Oh yeah heard about that today. I didn't think the Nobel Piece Prize could go to an entire organization. Guess they couldn't find a single person lately that they felt deserved it.
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Trump is responsible for peace between Israel & the UAE or something wasn't he? Something presidents have been trying to achieve for decades.
By #551147 at 23,Oct,20 07:08
Yes, exactly!

Most of us knew it wasn't gonna happen anyway. Nevertheless, was a nice gesture, I suppose...

🇺🇲 Make America Great Again, Again - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇲

By notynyt at 27,Sep,20 14:54 other posts of notynyt 
Congratulations ..🎉 we indian support to mr. President ... I hope he will do great job against terrorism ..
By #188992 at 27,Sep,20 15:21
"we indian" (sic)?

You speaking for all 1,380,004,385 of them?
By notynyt at 27,Sep,20 15:55 other posts of notynyt 
Heheh no no .. Indians who live in America. My family members also live in America.
But yes, here + 60% of Indians want Trump to win again.
By #188992 at 27,Sep,20 16:00
60% huh?

Any (reputable) source for that claim, or is it just 60% of your family that's pro-Trump?

I smell bullshit. By the way, if you believe cows are sacred do you have a particular view on the sacredness (or otherwise) of their excrement?

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By notynyt at 27,Sep,20 16:51 other posts of notynyt 
I don't believe in propaganda of different media reports. I believe what people saying around me. that's my personal report card. I believe myself , I can't believe propaganda. I heartily support mr. Trump.
There are many types of believers here in India. But on scientific basis many types of medicines are made by cow urine. Which is a thousand years old discovery. There are many litrature available. Do you know many animal wastes are used to make allopathic medicines?
By #188992 at 27,Sep,20 17:02
I was right then: unsubstantiated bullshit. Saying you don't "believe in propaganda of different media reports" must be shorthand for "I don't let facts get in the fucking way".

How many Indian Americans have you polled for that "report card"? You understand statistical significance, I suppose?

Cow piss, huh? Sounds suitably Ayurvedic!
By notynyt at 27,Sep,20 19:05 other posts of notynyt 
I believe myself 🤠✌️
By #188992 at 27,Sep,20 19:25
A sample size of ONE, then? Only 60% of you is pro-Trump? Fuck facts - let's say 100% of Indian Americans support Trump (when you're asking the bloke in the mirror). Beyond parody. Cheers - you gave me a good laugh!

By #551147 at 09,Oct,20 12:30
Results are in...

By leopoldij at 04,Oct,20 00:26 other posts of leopoldij 

By #551147 at 27,Sep,20 17:26
Thanks Notynyt!

We Americans appreciate the support we are receiving from all around the world, for our President. He's a good man, but we also have no illusions of him actually winning, despite being nominated TWICE. Too much bias, hatred, and lies being spread.

Yes, avoid propaganda like the plague it is. It's the cancer of society, and faaar too many sources spewing their bullshit 24/7. The really sad part is, the number of people that buy in to it and accept it as gospel.

🇺🇸 TRUMP 2020, 2024, 2028 🇺🇲
By #188992 at 27,Sep,20 17:36
Fucking hell, Scorps!

You'll flatter anyone that's pro-Trump, won't you?

He says 60% of Indian Americans support Trump, I provide a link saying it's more like 28%, and you PRAISE the guy for not buying into propaganda!

Then you have a tendency to agree with SrCums, who is clearly a spanner short of a toolkit.

Do you suspend ALL your critical faculties when someone is on "your team", or are you actually aware of your myopic partisanship?
By #551147 at 27,Sep,20 21:33


🇺🇸 Keep AMERICA Great - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸

By #551147 at 09,Oct,20 11:57

The results are in...

The winner of the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize,

goes to the World Food Programme (WFP) 😐

Congrats to them, whoever the fuck they are.

🇺🇸 Vote 4 Life - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸

By #536019 at 27,Sep,20 16:01
According to the Nobel website, there are currently 318 nominees for the Peace Prize.
By #551147 at 01,Oct,20 06:53
Wow! That sure is a lot!

You suppose George Floyd or Breonna Taylor are on the list?

Maybe they could award it to that peace seeking group known as BLM?

What's your thoughts?

🇺🇸 FREE Kyle Rittenhouse - Back The Blue 🇺🇸

By curvy8 at 28,Sep,20 03:47 other posts of curvy8 
Last time I checked Israel and the UAE were never at war, but good buddies already
By leopoldij at 28,Sep,20 16:21 other posts of leopoldij 
UAE forever. Bless the chosen people of the
Kingdom of earth in heavenly land of
Democracy and prosperity and peace on earth
And on the mountains glory glory slava
Slava slava slave slava allooyua.

By abagurio at 28,Sep,20 16:46 other posts of abagurio 
You are right. UAE is very far from Israel and both countries have unofficial relations since the days of Yitzhak Rabin. What happens now is only making it official, probably for economic reasons

By #551147 at 28,Sep,20 19:55
Really! Is that what the Lib media is up to these days? Playing it down?

I'll tell you what, if is was such an insignificant agreement, then why would well known Libs, label it as "historic" and groundbreaking? Oh, and then make nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize? That doesn't strike you at all as odd, if they were such good friends to begin with? Whatever!
Haters will always hate. Give the prize to that Greta nut-job instead.

Play it down all you like, other's in the region are now wanting to make deals, too. Stay tuned for even MORE unimportant, or irrelevant peace deals, right!
The best is yet to come...

🇺🇸 4 More Years - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸

By Sergius at 09,Sep,20 23:33 other posts of Sergius 
By #551147 at 10,Sep,20 06:42

I was laughing just like that, while imagining the meltdown scene from Indiana Jones, as the Liberal nutjobs heard the news of this. only registered users can see external links

🇺🇸 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇲
By #502711 at 10,Sep,20 10:01
Isn't this the BEST thing ever? Now would a bad president be nominated for a Nobel Piece Prize? Well deserved too!
By #188992 at 10,Sep,20 15:08
If it was the Nobel Piece (sic) Prize, he'd be a shoe-in! Never has a President been more sure to get a "piece" for himself and his family!

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By #502711 at 14,Sep,20 07:52
Yes, well that's all interesting. If that's true, I don't know the law well enough in this regard to comment. He has his faults, but I like his actions & his stance on China. He is to me, like Caligula. A little bit mad, but he loves the people
By #551147 at 17,Sep,20 08:09
Thanks for swinging by! 😃

Yes he does!

🇺🇲 4 MORE YEARS! 🇺🇸
By #502711 at 17,Sep,20 08:28
He'll get another 4 years 100%! I heard him saying he wants two more terms Then everyone saying how unconstitutional that would be, but I guess everyone forgot about Franklin D. Roosevelt. He got 4 terms, why can't Trump have at least 3?
By #551147 at 17,Sep,20 08:33
Bahahahahahaha 😄😆😂🤣😂🤣 OH STOP IT!

You'll make their fucking heads explode. 🤯🤯🤯

Besides, it's completely possible. Between Don jr, Ivanka, and Eric, we could keep a Trump in office for decades.

🇺🇸 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇲
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Oh, my bad! I just remembered... We only have 10 years left to live. In which case, why not let the Don remain for the duration.
By #502711 at 17,Sep,20 21:42
"10 years left to live" Are you talking about the threatened biodiversity of the earth?
If the world ends, everyone would blame it on Trump. Everyone wants to point their fingers at everyone else but don't want to take responsibility for their own actions. Don't want the world to end? Then stop throwing your rubbish on the ground, don't waste water, don't shit & dump rubbish in your drinking water, don't waste food, don't sit with your car idle for an hour with the air-con cranked to the max while fucking around on your phone...

All these liberal pussies want to judge everyone else but don't want to fix themselves. Over educated, under experienced uni students playing the blame game.
By #551147 at 25,Sep,20 21:49
Heya AussieMan187

The supreme intellect known as Sandy Cortez is where that nonsense came from. I just so happened to find it on video for you, only registered users can see external links.

Wanna gauge the brightness of that particular liberal piece of excrement. She also stated we should be "eating babies", also on video.

Unbelievably! That fucking nut-job won her primary to be re-elected, AGAIN! Mind numbing shit! I just don't understand!

🇺🇲 FREE Kyle Rittenhouse 🇺🇸
By #502711 at 25,Sep,20 23:54
I had to watch that twice because I didn't understand what she was trying to address, but on the second watch I paid more attention & notices she starts talking about the climate & then somehow trails off & I got the impression that she is blaming the US justice system for climate change...
By #551147 at 26,Sep,20 10:58
She's a privileged idiot of the highest degree. The amount of ignorance that spills out of her cocksucker, should be outlawed.

🇺🇸 Repeal the 22nd Amendment 🇺🇸
By #502711 at 27,Sep,20 06:50
Yeah she didn't sound terribly bright.

By phart at 09,Sep,20 21:14 other posts of phart 
John was in the fertilized egg business.

He had several hundred young layers (hens), called 'pullets,' and ten roosters to fertilize the eggs.

He kept records, and any rooster not performing went into the soup pot and was replaced. Keeping track of the roosters took a lot of time, so he bought some tiny bells and attached them to his roosters.

Each bell had a different tone, so he could tell from a distance, which rooster was performing. He just sat on his porch and filled out an efficiency report by just listening to the bells. John's favorite rooster, old Butch, was a very fine specimen, but this morning he noticed old Butch's bell hadn't rung at all!

When he went to investigate, he saw the other roosters were busy chasing pullets, bells-a-ringing, but the pullets, hearing the roosters coming, ran for cover.

To John's amazement, old Butch kept his bell in his beak, so it didn't ring. Butch would sneak up on a pullet, do his job and walk on to the next one.

John was so proud of old Butch, he entered him in the County Fair and he became an overnight sensation among the judges.

The result was the judges not only awarded old Butch the No Bell Piece Prize but they also awarded him the Pulletsurprise as well.

Clearly old Butch was a politician in the making.

Who else but a politician could figure out how to win two of the most highly coveted awards on our planet by being the best at sneaking up on the populace and screwing them WHEN THEY WEREN'T PAYING ATTENTION!
By #23212 at 09,Sep,20 23:00

By #551482 at 10,Sep,20 19:21
Hat to keep reading this to see where itґs going, thinking maybe it belongs in the Joke Central post....

But towards the end, all makes sense! Yep No Bell Prize, Pulletsurprise.

By #188992 at 10,Sep,20 20:21
Fucking hell, dude, you're knocking it out the park! I don't care if it's cut and paste - it's funny and on point! Love it

By tecsan at 10,Sep,20 06:23 other posts of tecsan 
Honestly I hope he does not get it...Would put him in somewhat the same category as liberal Obama...༼☯﹏☯༽

By #614425 at 09,Sep,20 22:25
It will reward to a better President this time

By #188992 at 09,Sep,20 21:17
"We can only hope that the voting is fairly considered."

I'm guessing that's Trump talk for: "If Donald DOESN'T win, it's a liberal conspiracy."

There's a campaign in the UK to award the Nobel Peace Prize to ALL healthcare workers to recognise what they've done to tackle Covid 19.

Not to be a naysayer too much, but I would point out that it's a bit early to be saying "problems solved". A 2 state solution to the Israel/Palestine conundrum still seems a way off. Credit where it's due though. He, or his team, have shifted the paradigm through unconventional methods.
By phart at 09,Sep,20 21:27 other posts of phart 
The health care workers are simply doing the job they were hired to do. It is appreciated but geez,nothing special.
As for Israel,the fighting will never stop there.The rocks have been thrown back and forth for eons and have all the sharp corners worn off.There will NEVER be peace in the middle east. Never. It is a pipe dream.
By #188992 at 09,Sep,20 21:35
Isn't Donald, by the same token, "simply doing the job they were hired to do"? Piss poor analogy.

So, by your logic, he gets a Nobel PEACE prize for doing something that will NEVER lead to peace? Back to your fucking best, phart.

I'm guessing your village hasn't had to advertise for a Village Idiot since you moved there?
By phart at 09,Sep,20 22:07 other posts of phart 
I didn't hire Donald to fix the middle east.Well maby to pull our troops from the dump and prevent any more of them dieing but other than that,anyone with 3 brain cells knows middle east peace is a pipe dream.
Now when someone comes up with a good cure for Cancer or something,give them the Nobel prize. but frankly i could lean towards Donald not getting it either.

By Sir-Skittles at 09,Sep,20 11:29 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Barry Obama will be so jealous!
By #551147 at 09,Sep,20 13:30
Yeah because Trump will have actually earned his...

Barry got one just for breathing and blinking.

🇺🇸 TRUMP 2020, 2024, 2028 🇺🇸

By kebmo at 09,Sep,20 13:49 other posts of kebmo 
Obama has his own from 2009.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Yes Scorps, breathing and blinking. The bar was low in 2009.
By phart at 09,Sep,20 21:35 other posts of phart 
And flashing his gums maby?
If you like your teef you can keep your teef.

By #592419 at 09,Sep,20 15:55
IN CELEBRATION we must all salute our flag and pledge our allegiance to the president of the united states.

Did I forget to say huxley999 is a cunt today? huxley999 is a cunt
By #188992 at 09,Sep,20 20:42
Sounds vaguely fascistic, fruitcake. I'll do a middle finger salute, wipe my bum on your flag, and pledge allegiance to Porky the Pig if I want to. "Must"? Fuck right off.

You are still (in descending order of magnitude) weird, unfunny, cowardly and stupid. In fact, ignore that - I am clearly wrong .....

.. put them in whatever order you like!
By phart at 09,Sep,20 21:16 other posts of phart 
if a person is wiping their ass with our flag,they are apt to get their ass kicked.
I have no desire to wipe my ass with anyones flag,that is disrespectful. I can't believe you would stoop to that.
By #188992 at 09,Sep,20 21:18
It's a piece of cloth. Grow up.
By phart at 09,Sep,20 21:26 other posts of phart 
Wipe your butt with your own and advertise it. I bet you will be educated on how disrespectful it is to do that.
By #188992 at 09,Sep,20 21:32
Jeez, phart. You surely know I wouldn't do it, but I hold to my point that it IS just a piece of cloth. YOU imbue it with whatever characteristics you want but don't expect everyone to buy into it. Symbols are powerful but one person's sacred is another's risible (rightly so).

By Ananas2xLekker at 09,Sep,20 17:57 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Not to rain on your parade, but in 2020, there were 318 candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Still, a peace agreement between Israel and any muslim state is good news, so

By leopoldij at 09,Sep,20 16:27 other posts of leopoldij 
I saw that. only registered users can see external links
The Norwegian politician, Tybring-Gjedde, member of parliament, representing the Progress Party of Norway, is a respectable intellectual, with lots of ideas and will to move his country forward. He has a say in the Novel Piece Prize Committee, one of the most prestigious and neutral organisations in the world. The proposal will be supported by Jimmie Еkesson, Sweden's superb politician, head of Sverige Demokraterna. Sweden traditionally has a say in this prize because when the prize was instituted Sweden and Norway were the same country. Both Tybring-Gjedde and Еkesson are god fearing people and this also plays a role because the Nobel Peace Prize Committee consults religious leaders across the world, for example, Pope Francis, Patriarch Bartholomew, Parsi Ahura Mazda, the Dalai Lama, Abbas Yakub, and many others. I hope Trump wins. After all, I find it ridiculous that Barak Obama received the Nobel Peace prize even before he did anything. He didn't deserve it. Whereas President Trump has already finished his first term and has already established peace in Israel by recognizing that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Nobody else in the world dared to do that out of fear. Trump is fearless. His doesn't just promise peace, no empty words, but he enforces peace as will. The historic recognition of Jerusalem as capital is seen as having root in King Solomon (also known as Suleyman) who died in 931 BC. His successor, Rehoboam, did nothing for Jerusalem. The world had to wait 2020+930=2950 years for Trump to achieve this historic peace treaty. With only one signature, he managed to achieve what nobody, in three thousand years dared to achieve. The peace prize of Donald J Trump will be seen as the most important in the history of mankind. I hope he wins.

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