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Started by #427539 at 03,Sep,13 14:50
Has anyone had sex with motherinlaw?

New Comment

By bigone21 at 04,Sep,13 23:41 other posts of bigone21 
My mother in law is 92, i am 49... Really!! NOW WHAT???
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

I know what! I fuck her son, he's only 50!! And hey, that works out for over 20 years!!

Should I just stay at his lovely bum??

By *kmadeau* at 06,Sep,13 10:50 other posts of *kmadeau* 
make sure if her son (and your BF) isn't 70, when she is 92!!!
By bigone21 at 06,Sep,13 16:40 other posts of bigone21 

well, his 5 older sibblings are not yet 70, and i have seen his passport, he's 50 allright!

By #427539 at 04,Sep,13 12:04
Motherinlaw told some of her friends abouth our relationship and they think is great,
By Rose at 05,Sep,13 00:14 other posts of Rose 
Maybe you should start screwing your mother-in-laws friends, too. Good times, good times!

By #427539 at 03,Sep,13 14:58
When my motherinlaw became a widow. After few months my wife asked me if i could help her mom. She was only 60 and she still wanted sex but was afraid of going with strangers. So they decided to ask me , i agrreed and we set up a date i went to her place and she was in bath robe. She just took a shower and was smelling pretty good for one old lady, i opened her robe and started to feel her body. I got really hard rigth away, she really turmed me. On we went in bedroom and i opened her leggs and started to eat her pussy she was really hot and got orgasms rigth away, i could not take it any more my cock was hurting was soo hard so i stuck it in her and fucked her really hard. She was responding and she was trusting against my cock. When i cummed. She took my limp cock and sucked it till it got hard again and this time i lasted much longer in her pussy,, after that day we been making love pretty often , she told my wife i was a good lover and that i would be welcomed any time i wanted to make love to her,, since than we all became really close and we have better relationship ,
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

The only problem bot women allways ask me who is the best lover and who got best pussy. I am allways in a bind i really dont want to make any one jealous so i alllways tell them its hard to decide between both of them that both are really great with. Fantastic pussy and ass, and no man could choose between them
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Was on my back and my motherinlaw was going to ride my cock she started to sit on it but i noticed that my cock was entering her asshole i did not say anything just enjoejd the feeling. , pretty soon was all in and she started to ride it like a champ , after we finished i complimented her on what she did. She told me she allways wanted to do this but she was afraid to ask she tougth i would turn her down so she did it when she had chance,, i told her not to worry that she could ask anytthing and i would do it for her, she gave me big kiss and thanked me,, sice that day been using both her holes. She is really confortable taking cocks in her butt , she say they allways did that with her husband while he was alive,
By bella! at 03,Sep,13 15:17 other posts of bella! 
Sorry bucko, this screams TOTAL BULLSHIT!!!!! How do you have time to engage in sexual intercourse with your mother-in-law when your so damn busy sucking the dicks of your male friends and screwing the female friends of your wife? For real, wake up from your crazy ass dream.
By #415959 at 03,Sep,13 17:43
Did you really call this delusional guy, "Bucko"? I haven't heard that since Richie Cunnigham said it on a Happy Days rerun.
By #68656 at 03,Sep,13 17:52
Dear Mr. 2Nice.
Not only delusional fiction but the involved parties need to review their morals and ethics.
The event described is a blatant example of breach of trust.
By botanic at 03,Sep,13 19:27 other posts of botanic 
Surely it is depicted as a consensual act ?

By bella! at 03,Sep,13 19:37 other posts of bella! 
Yeah, I called him bucko and in essence, I told him he was FULL-O-SHIT! Have you read the crap he posts? He seriously needs his medication (s) adjusted.

His mother-in-law is going to ride him and his dick accidentally slides up her ass. He just "enjoejd the feeling"! This gomer is a serious whack-a-doodle! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
By Gntlmn at 03,Sep,13 19:54 other posts of Gntlmn 
bella! is ALLWAYS right!

By bigone21 at 04,Sep,13 23:26 other posts of bigone21 

By #316255 at 03,Sep,13 22:48
and now I am lusting after Bella Fabulous.
By #390248 at 04,Sep,13 21:10
obviously neither women consider literacy to be of much importance in their choice of men. Perhaps it's because cocks can't write...wait!mine can type!

By andrew999999999 at 04,Sep,13 20:09 other posts of andrew999999999 
This guy is obviously full of shit, or has mental problems. I think we should just ignore any other topics he starts here, then he might stop if he doesn't get the attention he desperately wants/needs.
By #416660 at 04,Sep,13 20:59
Agree he's full of shit and has mental problems but I love beating the shit out of his stupid topics. He is the ultimate VILLAGE IDIOT. I'm sure no one takes his BS seriously. It's just fun bantering with other sane people (like yourself) about this nimrods make believe sex life. Oh yeah, he can't spell for shit or form a coherent sentence either (note his comment below).
By CreativeOne at 04,Sep,13 21:03 other posts of CreativeOne 
Very well said

By Ray10754 at 04,Sep,13 02:13 other posts of Ray10754 
This is one lonly man that needs medical attention sooner than later!!!! Thank God I don't live in his neighborhood!!

By Rose at 04,Sep,13 01:27 other posts of Rose 
I have never felt the urge to comment on any discussion forum topic, until now. I am all for kinky sex, and having a feel good time. However, what you speak of is psychotic! Although I firmly believe that you are full of shit, I am mystified as to why you would create such a story! I am guessing that you enjoy all the attention. Perhaps, nobody chats with you, or responds to your messages. In the rare chance that what you speak of is true, then you, your wife, and your mother-in-law are ALL batshit crazy! For the love of God, we have 8 billion people on this planet, couldn't your mother-in-law find somebody else's cock to stick in her ass?! I recommend that you seek psychiatric help, either way.

By #201583 at 03,Sep,13 23:45
How? With one glance I would turn into stone. Not to mention she has cooties, and brought Godzilla into this world. She pisses gasoline and
farts c2h2. She chews tobacco and can hit a horse fly at 300 yards. No thank you, you can have her.

By #427539 at 03,Sep,13 19:56
By bella! at 03,Sep,13 20:07 other posts of bella! 
You are a fricken delusional nut job!

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