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Google your user name from this site

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Started by #17755 at 02,Oct,13 16:27
ive just googled my user name from this site and it shows stuff you have been looking at, did people know this, and how can I get rid

Similar topics: 1.All Your Junk on Google   2.Anyone ever been discovered by a an acquaintance to frequent this site?   3.Problems with RC4 cipher   4.Ideas to improve the site?   5.Google search  

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By Pierogi80 at 03,Oct,13 18:35 other posts of Pierogi80 
Here's what I did... Made this name and use it only for sites like this or xtube. And I NEVER show my face. It's worked so far.
By Andthisisme at 22,Sep,17 09:13 other posts of Andthisisme 
I do the same, although I have a number of usernames but I never show my face for sure.

It also puzzles me how people who obscure their faces happily post photos or videos showing rooms in their home clearly. Ok, you will probably not be identified but anyone knowing you who sees your living room will recognise it easily.

I once saw a woman that I know on a site, Her face was obscured but the combination of jewellery on her fingers gave her away. I never mentioned that, but it just shows the risk.

By Andthisisme at 21,Sep,17 22:20 other posts of Andthisisme 
I certainly hope they knew this before posting. Once you post online, you are out there.

A while ago I searched for my username and actually got absolutely nothing on Google. However when I tried my username on another site I was the top result !!!! Strange.

I am not sure that there is anyway to guarantee getting rid of these results but deleting all your images in your account may work; but even then I think it is possible that your images maybe already archived somewhere and some may still appear in search results.
By #485312 at 21,Sep,17 22:25
they will always be archived and somewhere, as well as on others computers and lve even found whole profiles made on sites lve never been on, they just take your whole profile from other sites and use the pics to make them, lve gone to these sites and had the profile taken down, only to find it reopened in a week, l think to just make up the female numbers on not so scrupulous sites.. its the nature of the be@st, the internet.. *Lix*
By Andthisisme at 22,Sep,17 09:07 other posts of Andthisisme 
Even I have seen a few of my pics on another site. Anyone posting anything on the Internet, whether here or elsewhere really needs to understand once you post anything you totally lose control of it.

Even the regulation from the E.U regarding the right to be forgotten only removes 'you' from search engine results, the photos, articles etc are still out there to be found either accidentally or deliberately.


By #416660 at 02,Oct,13 20:59
I googled Donny and all I got was Donny Osmond
By CreativeOne at 03,Oct,13 02:44 other posts of CreativeOne 
Now that's Funny !

By slipper at 04,Oct,13 05:17 other posts of slipper 
Yes, a general enough name and you'll probably be on page# 87,995 or lower.
By #541419 at 21,Sep,17 21:48
Agreed. But even if you have a very rare nick, it is safe. You will show up on page #1, but who searches for this name? Things are different when you use your real name and when it is rare.

By #40556 at 03,Oct,13 16:48
Apparently mine is a luxury mattress im good with that cause you can lay on me anytime

By pifad at 02,Oct,13 20:55 other posts of pifad 
Yieks! That's a bit scary. I'd be interested in learning how to get rid of it too.
By #204902 at 02,Oct,13 21:07
It s funny I can find myself nude and with face in google. Thank God nobody knows my nickname

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