Started by #17755 at 02,Oct,13 16:27
Similar topics: 1.All Your Junk on Google 2.Anyone ever been discovered by a an acquaintance to frequent this site? 3.Problems with RC4 cipher 4.Ideas to improve the site? 5.Google search New CommentComments: |
It also puzzles me how people who obscure their faces happily post photos or videos showing rooms in their home clearly. Ok, you will probably not be identified but anyone knowing you who sees your living room will recognise it easily.
I once saw a woman that I know on a site, Her face was obscured but the combination of jewellery on her fingers gave her away. I never mentioned that, but it just shows the risk.
A while ago I searched for my username and actually got absolutely nothing on Google. However when I tried my username on another site I was the top result !!!! Strange.
I am not sure that there is anyway to guarantee getting rid of these results but deleting all your images in your account may work; but even then I think it is possible that your images maybe already archived somewhere and some may still appear in search results.
Even the regulation from the E.U regarding the right to be forgotten only removes 'you' from search engine results, the photos, articles etc are still out there to be found either accidentally or deliberately.