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Cleaning your hole

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Started by #198974 at 10,Oct,13 16:30
How do you clean your asshole before fucking? What techniques do you use so you can ATM the cock that fucks you or eat the ass you fuck?

Similar topics: 1.pee hole play   2.Bigger Ass Hole Request   3.My first Hole Wrecking   4.MY hole or HER hole?   5.Glory hole fun.  

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By Ablaze at 09,Sep,22 13:25 other posts of Ablaze 
Usually I don't clean it, it makes the natural anal lube to disappear.

By DJS at 08,Sep,22 15:17 other posts of DJS 
By Dev01 at 09,Sep,22 01:09 other posts of Dev01 

By uncutjoy at 08,Sep,22 13:32 other posts of uncutjoy 

By PSerect at 06,Sep,22 17:44 other posts of PSerect 
First thing is make sure you have enough fiber in your diet. Thats the most important thing to getting clean quickly.
2nd, never try anal after a meal. Food makes your body push your waste down.
3rd make sure you allow enough time, especially whenyoure new at this. If possible, allow yorself a couple of hours before you plan any anal sex. Remember, you cant rush an asshole.
Using a water bottle or shower douche fill your ass with warm water as much as you can. If you feel a cramp, stop until the cramp goes away then fill some more if possible. Youll want to hold the water in as long as possible before releasing it. Never push the water out. Let the water flow out on its own. If you push, your asshole will get sore and you wont want to have anal sex and you wont be able to completely evacuate if you push. Repeat above until the water that comes out is clean.
Finally, relax. If you can concentrate on relaxing your ass muscles it will be much easier to clean out your hole.

By LGA6969 at 05,Sep,22 13:10 other posts of LGA6969 
you gotta clean your poop shoot no one whats a shitty dick

By leopoldij at 05,Sep,22 02:36 other posts of leopoldij 
Mix vinegar with citric acid and Chinese chilli bean sauce. Stir and set in the fridge. When ready, stick a dildo in the solution and then in your ass. Repeat as needed.

By #415959 at 11,Oct,13 02:34
Hey, anyone up for some tasty sandwiches?
By #164428 at 11,Oct,13 05:08
I just threw up a little in my mouth.
By #415959 at 11,Oct,13 05:17
Just thought some tasty sandwiches would help.

I also have a power washer.
By #164428 at 11,Oct,13 07:47
By #68656 at 11,Oct,13 11:25
The sandwiches would be tasty, a toasted egg and bacon sandwich would be good.
Max said that while he cannot assist regarding the type of hole in reference he suggests that possibly the method he uses to go into an obstructed rabbit burrow may be useful, that basically involves digging out the entrance until entry can be gained.

[deleted image]
By bigone21 at 11,Oct,13 22:20 other posts of bigone21 
"Max said"..? OMG, talking dogs in the showyourdick-forum...

By #10886 at 11,Oct,13 14:35
I have a second hose and a diverter valve in my shower.... attached to that is a nice aluminum nozzle......... guess where that goes. Just take your normal movement, hop in the shower, insert nozzle, and flush out any leftovers. Make SURE you have the water at body temperature and LOW pressure.

Of course if I lived in a civilized country, a bidet would be in every bathroom and would work perfectly.
By bigone21 at 11,Oct,13 22:17 other posts of bigone21 
right, that's how to do it! have a clean ass and let the games begin!

By pifad at 10,Oct,13 20:29 other posts of pifad 
Yep! Take a shit then a small enema.

By #166058 at 10,Oct,13 18:38
Going for a big bangin. Shit and a little enema should do the trick

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