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How does one learn to suck cock effectively?

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Started by #415581 at 21,Oct,13 15:53
I am a married guy who is experiencing a resurgence of bisexual feelings that have lain dormant since single college days. i sucked a cock or two then, and when the dicks were little (I sucked on some 4 and 5 inch dicks) I was ok, but when my friend and I traded BJ's his 7 incher made me gag. The same thing happened again to me another time.

What's the trick to get the dick in there without gagging? Can I learn it on a dildo?

if i ever get a chance to suck a hot cock, I want to do it well!

Thanks in advance!

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By WHATSUPDOC at 30,Jun,19 10:59 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
Like anything else that you get good at . I think first you need to have a passion or drive to want to be an expert at something and then you must practice. Practice makes perfect

By #588373 at 09,Jun,19 01:16
Did I say practice? What can you do well without practice. And thecdedication to practice and always improve your skills? I am fairly skilled, yet I never stop looking for a way to improve my skills.
Start small, listen and pay attention(some men won't move a muscle or say a word), and experiment. These are some things that built confidence.
One main thing to remember is this when you are on your knees or head lying off the edge of a bed, your main focus should always be him, his cock, his nuts- he's a king and your'e his servant.
Finally if you don't love sucking cock, no amount of practice will make you get better. It's not about your orgasm, your dick, your pussy; it's all about him.

By #478298 at 09,Jun,19 00:05
All are welcome to practice on my penis

[deleted image]

By #539191 at 08,Jun,19 13:18
Suck. Suck. Suck some more. Wrap your lips around it tight. Slurp suck lick and nibble. If you need to rest your jaw keep your lips on the tip and stroke his shaft without changing rhythm. If you do that right it will feel like you’re deep throating. Learn his tells so you’ll know when to swallow his cum.

By Nevermore at 20,Aug,16 19:05 other posts of Nevermore 
Same way you get to Carnegie Hall.
By shackles at 07,Jun,19 03:34 other posts of shackles 
This! LOL

By #588373 at 07,Jun,19 03:26
Anything you want to be the best at doing, you have to put in about 5 hours of practice for every 15-20 minutes of actually doing whatever it is you want to do, in this case, practice to be a great cocksucker.

By #519672 at 16,Dec,16 20:15
think about how you like to have your cock sucked and do it that way and watch those teeth

By #485312 at 28,Aug,16 00:53
[deleted image][deleted image]
love to practice *lix*

By bikev at 25,Aug,16 18:42 other posts of bikev 
Lots of practice and lots of enjoyment and you can take it all.

By #147052 at 25,Aug,16 15:38
Practice and if you have dentures, take them can fit more in if you do.

By onthelose at 24,Aug,16 20:24 other posts of onthelose 
Of course no on wants to talk about where you find the penis to suck. I know every man has one but that doesn't mean you can practice on him. The same is true with sex with women. You are supposed be the best cocksmen anywhere but if you cant practice on someone who will tell you what feels good , how are you supposed to learn.

By #363802 at 21,Aug,16 00:01
Lots of practice!

By #206678 at 19,Aug,16 20:52
Find an Asian girl and watch how she does it. i have always found Asian girls are the best at sucking!

By #99845 at 13,Aug,16 22:56
practice..and admitting to yourself that you enjoy will get better as you go along.

By #436014 at 21,Oct,13 20:35
basically suck how you like to be sucked and like the other poster said, take feedback effectively
By cumonme1 at 09,Aug,16 13:40 other posts of cumonme1 
I agree suck em like you like yours sucked and experiment a little, when you are more comfortable with doing the deed

By #485312 at 03,Aug,16 03:36
practice makes perfect *lix*
By leopoldij at 06,Aug,16 14:46 other posts of leopoldij 
The best practice is this but not everyone can afford it:
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By #328554 at 03,Dec,13 16:49
Don't attempt to swallow more than you're comfortable with, 5 or 6 inches is plenty for most guys. The other trick that women tend to keep quite about, is use your hand to at the base to give the feeling without needing to take much more than a few inches inside your mouth. Most of all enjoy it and try to convey that to the suckee (not a word but I like it anyway).
By #201583 at 04,Dec,13 00:56
Never use your hands, its cheating and the lazy way out. Nothing makes a better orgasm then 100% effort as anything less is just "ok." When you hear, "can you teach my wife," or "holy fuck...will you marry me," you put forth 100%. But if you are content with cheating that means your content with a subtle "thanks." As a sucker I would feel unworthy and insulted with just a thanks. Sucking is an ever changing art, not a preprint letterhead.

The trick that women use with their hands is why most men prefer men over women. A lot of bottoms take pride in 100% satisfaction. Just because you cross the finish line doesn't mean you won the race. Most women are content crossing the line, and men want to finish up front.
By #328554 at 05,Dec,13 10:39
who knew you could cheat at a blowjob? personally i go with whatever each of you is comfortable with and enjoy, communication and an open mind are the essentials of all good sex, oral included and perhaps life in general?

i see no competition here or the need to claim some kind of olympian cock sucking skill and deride those that are happy to follow their own technique. personally i've never experienced a bad bj either with or without hands.
By #201583 at 05,Dec,13 15:45
I'm not making it a competition. I'm merely pointing out that most men prefer men giving head. So why would you give head like a chick? Almost anyone can give a blowjob, but to give a good or great blowjob takes dedication, and enthusiasm. Even if the guy tells me he wants it a certain way I will cup his balls and tell him, "if you want Burger King, it's down the street. You get what you get and I guarantee you will like it."

Most house wives primarily use their hands to just do it and speed things up so they can go watch Dancing With The Stars.

Hands free the mass majority pop within 3 minutes. The only time they last longer is when I back off and back on, it makes them nuts.

By chubbyloves at 02,Aug,16 22:08 other posts of chubbyloves 
amen to that

By stroker11 at 02,Aug,16 09:48 other posts of stroker11 
There is no substitute for practice...and excellent tongue action...and always swallow or share!

By #294596 at 04,Dec,13 03:10
Practice, practice, practice! I often get compliments on my oral skills and I attribute it to sucking cock as often as possible. I give no less than one blowjob a week and on average I give 2-4.

My opinion is that there is no substitute for the real thing. A real cock throbs, swells, oozes pre-cum, moves as the owner moves...a dildo just can't compare. You may be able to work on your gag reflex some with a dildo, but to truly become a good cocksucker you need to practice on the real deal and gain the experience of pleasing a man. A dildo can not react to your efforts like a real cock can. A dildo can not swell even harder and thicker at the last second just before blasting a load in your mouth. Those are things that you must experience to become good at it.

By #99845 at 04,Dec,13 01:30
you get better with practice.Do'nt think of the size.Just relax your throat and let it in.

By andrew999999999 at 22,Oct,13 20:06 other posts of andrew999999999 
Keep practicing of course. I didn't know the gag reflex could be destroyed, I think I'll try and destroy mine by deep throating cocks though, instead of swallowing swords, arexa52
By #358797 at 22,Oct,13 20:28
Lol. No joke, shortly after I started swallowing swords I coughed up a hunk of flesh. Got a sore throat for a few days and I haven't gagged properly since.
By andrew999999999 at 23,Oct,13 19:40 other posts of andrew999999999 
I don't doubt you. Just a bit to extreme for me though lol.

By #201583 at 03,Dec,13 23:36
Try numbing with Sucrets. Practice often with a popsicle, and brush all the back to your tonsils three times a day. The numbing is to get started, and repetition is key to keeping the gag reflex at bay. If you stop stimulating your gag reflex area (back of throat) it will just come back.

By #358797 at 22,Oct,13 13:08
Do what I did and take up sword swallowing as a hobby. Destroys the gag reflex nicely.
By #164428 at 22,Oct,13 20:08
Wow! Hardcore, my friend!
By #358797 at 22,Oct,13 20:30
Lol. I suppose it is hardcore. I've been doing it for years.
By #354861 at 03,Dec,13 05:00
Holy shit...wait, you're not running off to join the circus now, are you?
By #358797 at 03,Dec,13 06:06
Lol. I must've forgotten to mention my hobby during our chats. I thought about it. I can't lie, I'd make one hell of a paycheck at a sideshow, but I'm too shy for that shit, plus I don't like the attention.
By #354861 at 03,Dec,13 22:26
You? Shy??? Sure wouldn't know it.
By #358797 at 03,Dec,13 22:37
Lol. I only open up to certain people.

By Jb11 at 22,Oct,13 14:04 other posts of Jb11 
Bigone is right. Practice makes perfect!

By bigone21 at 21,Oct,13 16:03 other posts of bigone21 
Practice! And have good eye and ear for feedback!

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