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Straight guys who like being sucked

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Started by northernlad at 12,Nov,13 23:04  other posts of northernlad
I'm interested, if you'd let a guy suck you, then would it matter what the guy was like...?
So would it matter if he was old, young, fat, thin, ugly, attractive? Would it turn you on more to be sucked by a guy, or would you close your eyes and think about tits....or whatever straight guys think about...?

Similar topics: 1.Straight guy getting sucked by male?   2.Should i let suck my dick?   3.Do straight guys like their nipples played with & sucked?   4.Cock Sucking Addiction   5.Straight versus gay.  

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By #613707 at 23,Mar,20 16:12
You want to know the truth? If a straight man fucks his own hand, does it matter to him whether his hand is old and gnarly, long and thin,short and stubby or anything else, just get out the lube and go to it.The goal is to get a nut.Men are not attracted to their hands.Straight men are not attracted to men either,ever.
So what's the criteria? Discrete,discrete,discrete, clean, no sores or scabs, and submissive(eyes down, not aggressive dicksuckers). They'll go to a GH usually see whose going next booth and giving em a clean,sub, turn on the str8 porn get it hard, stick it thru the hole and if its(mouth throat ) lubed good,hand out make a deposit,zip up and leave.
As for neighbors, fishing buddies, same thing a straight man is not turned on by men, he just want to unload in a hot mouth discretely.
Gay men care about who sucks their cock often because they are attracted to men, and cocks.

By nekekal at 30,Jan,20 03:32 other posts of nekekal 
Interesting viewpoints.
I avoid the labels I think. I love having my cock sucked. I don't suck cock. I only want to fuck women as their bodies turn me on.
But my cock doesn't care about the gender of the cock sucker. I close my eyes, and enjoy the feelings. Warm mouth, soft tongue, hands not mine. Just blissful sucking.

Mostly straight.

By Darthshame at 28,Jan,20 21:20 other posts of Darthshame 
I think straight. i only want a relationship with a girl is why. im just trying to get off. wanna call bi, whatever. i dont care about labels. just suck my cock already. lol

By #64328 at 26,Jan,20 06:30
I think most guys would suck a dick or jack off another guy if they knew nobody would ever know

By #609706 at 26,Jan,20 04:27
I prefer women. BUTT i did have 2 different guys suck my dick & swallow my cum & I loved every minute of it. Of course I watched cuz it looks so good watching my dick slide in & out of someone's mouth. I am glad they were both good looking. Fat ugly guys suck at life & that is why they are fat & ugly. They just don't care

By #6568 at 13,Nov,13 09:40
We keep coming back to this here.......If you engage in sexual activity with another male then you are demonstrably NOT 'straight'....You are either 'gay' or 'bi-sexual'. There's nothing wrong with being either, but you are not 'straight' because it IS what it means ie., you engage in sexual activity by inclination with women and have no interest in sex with men......

.....So why did you put 'straight' at the beginning of the should just read 'GUYS who...'
By #303133 at 13,Nov,13 20:23
I am in total agreement with you on this, oldbugle. This is the same point that I have made in the forum time and time again. Words mean what they mean, and people can't go around changing definitions to fit their needs.
By bigone21 at 13,Nov,13 22:24 other posts of bigone21 
so one can make the same point in the forum time and time again, and maybe HAVE a point??? thanks! good to know!

By #436014 at 14,Nov,13 04:37
"We keep coming back to this here.......If you engage in sexual activity with another male then you are demonstrably NOT 'straight'"

"Engaging in sexual activity" and touching another person's genitals are not the same thing. If a guy receives a blowjob from another guy, maybe it's because he just wants a blowjob. There's nothing that says the recipient will also reciprocate in any way.
By #6568 at 14,Nov,13 14:46
....."Touching a persons genitals" is fairly 'sexually active' in my book unless you're a doctor or a nurse...

....If a guy gets a blowjob from another man it means he is gay or bi-sexual otherwise he would not do it....NO straight man engages in this because, strangely enough, he requires a woman for any sexual activity!

There have been times in my life when I have been deeply sexually lonely (so bad that I did not know where to put myself), but strangely, it never once occured to me to consider another man as a partner.
By #436014 at 15,Nov,13 02:25
if the recipient never comes in contact with his cocksucker's cock, then i don't consider the recipient gay or bi, maybe in the curious category but probably most likely in the "i want a blowjob" category with self-identified sexual orientation not really being a major factor in the search.
By johnp at 15,Nov,13 02:32 other posts of johnp 
So what do u consider them if the rub peanut butter on their cock and let the dog lick it off??? Still just "curious" ??

By #435701 at 14,Nov,13 20:36

By #6568 at 14,Nov,13 14:43
.....Just amazing!! The stories people will tell themselves to avoid actually acepting that they are gay/bi.....

By northernlad at 14,Nov,13 00:43 other posts of northernlad 
I think that guys who consider themselves as straight, whether they occasionally have sex with men or not, are what I would call straight. I think it's up to individuals to define their own sexuality, or not, as they prefer.

I put straight in the title as I get why gay/bi guys would want to have sex with another man. I don't get what straight, mainly straight, predominantly straight, straight-ish guys etc, whatever you want to call them, get from the experience.

And also cos I find straight-ish guys horny and want to hear from them...

By stiffone4u at 13,Nov,13 04:22 other posts of stiffone4u 
younger or the same age and somewhat in shape and very eager to please.

By #436014 at 13,Nov,13 01:22
not much older, not really overweight, otherwise few restrictions for me. the most important thing is that they know how to suck a cock properly and not waste our time

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