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Straight versus gay.

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Started by Bottimmy at 16,Jan,20 16:34  other posts of Bottimmy
Do straight guys like getting sucked or fucking gay guys? If yes why, if no why?

Similar topics: 1.Can a Man or Woman be Truely Straight and Still Be Turned on by Someone of the Same Sex?   2.straight men and cocks   3.smooth ass versus hairy ass   4.Strap on, dildo, vibrator versus the real thing. What do you prefer?   5.Men versus womans  

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By spermkiss at 17,Jan,20 22:32 other posts of spermkiss 
Let's face it, men have their needs. One of those needs is to get a nut off with some regularity. For a straight man his first choice to shoot is probably in a pussy. But what if there are no pussies available? In that case he can turn to a male cocksucker.

And it's totally a win/win situation. The man gets oral service and he gets his nut off. What man doesn't like that? The cocksucker gets the excitement, pleasure, satisfaction and feeling of accomplishment from having brought another man to orgasmic climax. Plus he gets a nice, warm, creamy load of man juice.

Then there is butt fucking. That's not really my style, but I've done it. If a really hot straight guy wanted my ass, I'd be game. And of course there are lots of men out there who really enjoy taking it in the ass. Again, this is a win/win situation.

By #479082 at 17,Jan,20 15:55
sex shouldn't have gender. You could prefer red or white wine or like both.
By german_guy at 17,Jan,20 18:35 other posts of german_guy 
I do agree on ur opinion

By knewbi at 17,Jan,20 19:22 other posts of knewbi 
Well said... Sex is an activity.. And what an activity it is!!! It can be with a male, a female both or by oneself. It is all good, just some is better than the other.

By andrew999999999 at 17,Jan,20 15:01 other posts of andrew999999999 
I like it because it doesn't feel any different to being sucked by or fucking a girl. If you went to a glory hole for a blow job, you may not know who's sucking your dick. Unless it was in a gay premises or hang out spot.

By cumcouplessa at 16,Jan,20 18:29 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here. I'm neither straight OR gay lol. I'm bi. Love both cock and pussy and honestly think I'm getting the best of both worlds. Why settle for one or the other??? I enjoy both. Makes for a great sex life 👍

By mr_blue at 16,Jan,20 16:36 other posts of mr_blue 
They're not straight guys if they are fucking or sucking guys just saying

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