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Personal hygiene question

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Started by #301038 at 14,Nov,13 09:14
Would you go down on your partner if he or she didn't just got out of the shower? Would you make them reshower is they peed or pooped after getting out of the shower?

Same question goes for having sex.

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By #531019 at 06,May,18 03:58
It usually happens after she's showered.
I've gone down on her heaps when she's menstruating when we were younger.

By #522126 at 20,Apr,18 21:21
Not too fussed about fucking but being clean is a must for oral sex.

By cumjohn at 20,Apr,18 19:36 other posts of cumjohn 
I dont set high standards for how clean cock must be. I suck unwashed cocks just as much like washed cocks.

However, i know that most people are more strict about getting cleaned before sex than i, so i take shower before.

By Toasty at 18,Apr,18 20:40 other posts of Toasty 
Probably wouldnt matter just enjoy the sex and clean afterwards. If doing any oral though, I think it's more understandable

By #539358 at 18,Apr,18 07:57
No problem for me, as long as he’s had a shower before he went to work his cock will still be very suckable. I have to laugh at this obsession that uncut cocks are full of cheesy smegma if you don’t wash it every hour. Both me and my boyfriend are uncut and at the end of a working day there’s never smeg under our hoods, just a natural pink healthy glans. Smegma takes days to build up not hours!

By foreskinlover52 at 18,Apr,18 07:45 other posts of foreskinlover52 
Everyone here is uncut and if you run out to your car on a date to give or recieve a blowjob and his penis isnt washed it really dosnt matter its the norm for uncut cocks

By #535819 at 18,Apr,18 01:49
I need a guy to be very recently showered.

By #543717 at 17,Apr,18 02:45
Both my boyfriends are uncut, so I definitely want them to wash their dickheads before I suck them: I **** the cheesy smell of smegma. If they just pee, and wipe off with paper, I donґt mind.

By #515106 at 26,May,17 05:33
Told this one guy that he had to cause he was not cut

By qhaos at 06,Dec,13 08:50 other posts of qhaos 
it has already happened to me, i treated this like a sexual game... i took a scented towelette an i gently massage her cunt like fingering while i make her lips confortable for my tongue. and she did not suspect anything. pleaure for her and for me...after!

By #147052 at 18,Nov,13 15:38
i like 'em clean. soap and water go a long way in enhancing the pleasure of sex.
By malecall4 at 21,Nov,13 09:16 other posts of malecall4 

By Raypark at 20,Nov,13 17:01 other posts of Raypark 
Definitely, a wash cloth and soap is good practice !!! Would nevertheless that to anyone and expect the same. **** eating pussy, and finding toilet paper in there!!!

By #162206 at 18,Nov,13 16:40
If my partner is uncircumcised -> only after washing, especially after waking up in the morning.
if he's circumcised, it's not an issue for me. They don't smell.

By #136427 at 15,Nov,13 12:42
Personally I prefer a pussy to be a little smelly, I dont mid a fresh out of the shower, but a pussy thats done a days worth of walking smells best. As for the bathroom, wipe good and all is ok!

By #436014 at 15,Nov,13 04:39
i like the hot sex-hormones-only musk on a cock, it's a real turn-on, slightly sweaty and with a oddly pleasant aroma. There's no fucking way i want such ideal cocksucking conditions to be threatened by swamp-ass. The only thing to do is to clean thoroughly down there with lots of soap and water, after not before shitting of course. This procedure also ensures clean underwear (if you wear it etc.) without barbarian-looking poop stains which persist after many washes, and - very importantly - that you will showever on average about once a day or whenever you take dumps. no excuses then for 5 days without a shower.

(fun fact: did you know that many groin areas are teeming with the e. coli bacteria as a result of mediocre hygiene practices? so if your oral recipient isn't as hygienic as you'd like him to be you're gonna get all that nastiness in your mouth. WASH THOROUGHLY DOWN THERE WITH SOAP AND WATER, and keep your pubes trimmed!


By #201583 at 15,Nov,13 03:58
Sweaty is one thing, but a dirty ass and smelly nuts are another-that's just plain lazy, thoughtless, and rude. That would be like sucking on a homeless Man's toes that hasn't bathed in a year, dirty is dirty.

By #291618 at 15,Nov,13 01:06
Yeah actually im a shower before sex type of person i dnt think a dirty stinky coochie is sexy and a poopy smelly ass is even worse i like clean people so i offer the same
By johnp at 15,Nov,13 02:26 other posts of johnp 
I totally agree and thought that clean was the norm till I joined this site!!! There is some nasty shit out there

By #358797 at 14,Nov,13 13:15
I don't mind a little sweat on a man... there's a big difference between a glistening, sexy, slightly sweaty man and a nasty slob who smells like week old taco meat. Call me crazy, but if I had a hott, well hung man in front of me, sweaty from a workout... I'd be on my knees quick as shit.
As for ladies, as long as they wipe good and take proper care of their coochie I don't mind.... I don't go for the milkdud, it's just business up front as usual. Unless I'm know for a fact she's into anal, then I'll play with it, but I'm not an ass licker. Lol.
By johnp at 14,Nov,13 21:34 other posts of johnp 

By #389821 at 15,Nov,13 00:31
*Drops down and starts doing push-ups*
201... 202... 203...
I'm starting at 200 because I did a ton of them this morning.
By #358797 at 15,Nov,13 01:40
Lol. I'm sure your arms burn from doing so many.

By #301038 at 15,Nov,13 00:20
I really wasn't aware that so many people are hydrophobic and see shower as a hindrance to good sex, I spent two days collecting opinions on one of the forums for mums with bubs and apparently, over 60% of people always have sex without taking a shower prior. Sure, they shower daily, or every other day and consider that sufficient. Even for oral and anal. Just typing that made me throw up in my mouth a little bit. I can not believe that so many people really enjoy licking a dirty vag and sucking on a dirty dick. What is wrong with people? Unless it's been clean with soap and water, it's not clean. Pee doesn't evaporate or magically disappear after being wiped, neither does poop. What is wrong with squatting in the shower and hosing it off.

That's why I felt like I needed to take washing of my partners in my own hands, and that is why they all were like: "Nobody ever done that to me".
By bigone21 at 15,Nov,13 00:36 other posts of bigone21 
i don't know much about a dirty vag, as a gay man, but hey, @Peach, you don't have to learn me how to keep my uncut penis clean! I don't use soap, no need to! rinse the knob with some water, that's all there is to it!

By bigone21 at 15,Nov,13 00:28 other posts of bigone21 
well, 2 drops of piss, i don't mind! in fact: i don't mind piss at all! anal sex, we douche before that! shit is not part of our game. what's it with this?? some people seem to to think we will die (or get sick) from having a bacteria or two on our genitals! always been there, always will! and NO, i'm not into antibiotics before having sex!

By #187007 at 14,Nov,13 23:21
I think that depends on the person,natually,needless to say,it is nicier after a shower but in the exotic moment,anything goes

By #435701 at 14,Nov,13 20:00
Shower first. Sex second.

By Odin_york_pa at 14,Nov,13 16:21 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
I would go down if not freshly showered, but not if it's been a day or 2. My ex-wife was all about being clean. She loved spontaneous sex but always half ruined the mood from just hving to shower first. There would be times I would hide somewhere in the house when she came home from work and I would just jump out of somewhere and "have my way" with her. But as we started getting into it she would stop and have to shower quick. So usually ended up sex in the shower, which is great too. I would try to play with her pussy in the car while driving somewhere but usually stopped me short casue she hadn't showered yet that day (or evening).

By #6568 at 14,Nov,13 15:08
The best thing I have found to get around this 'problem' is to clean a woman as part of foreplay. I adore playing with and looking at a womans pussy....it's an essential part of sex for me and I have found that most women love to have it gently washed with warm water, along with some worship and adoration, followed by some slick finger and tongue work.....women need to be genitally apreciated and pampered just as much as us men......I have found they positively swoon when you tell them how beautiful and exciting it looks as you gently wash and caress it for them.

By #428059 at 14,Nov,13 11:23
Wow, hmmmm, never thought about that, I guess when your horny. Your horny

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