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Wanking at urinal

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Started by #441447 at 20,Nov,13 15:39
I love checking out the wankers standing at the urinals. I always get a hard on and on quite a few occasions have ended up having a jack off session. Don't wanna have anyhting more with a guy I just enjoy watching another guy giving himself one. Has anyone here ever had a wank while standing at a urinal?

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By #455846 at 20,Jul,14 08:30
stood next to a guy who had finnished peeing and not sure if he was also finnished wanking but he was semi and playing with it as i glanced his way so i thought he'd notic me and to see what he did i sort of moved my shoulders back to make sure he could see my cock and i swung it a bit and sort of wanked it as if doing the normal thing getting last few drops out but kind of did what he was doing also and i noticed he started swelling a bit and wa shutting his yes ha ha

By #467291 at 20,Jul,14 01:25
I sometimes get a hard-on when peeing at a urinal while other guys are standing near me. When I do I end up wanking and cum into the urinal. On some occasions one or two guys join me and the fun starts.

By xdjxx1 at 25,Nov,13 23:21 other posts of xdjxx1 
Walked in on someone once in a service station toilet... Never felt so uncomfortable in my life. Darted straight for the cubicles to get out the way.

Definitely not for me. Take a peek along the line by all means whilst peeing, but those cubicles offer extra privacy for a reason (not strictly masturbation, but you get the point).

By pifad at 22,Nov,13 07:31 other posts of pifad 
no pics. Ha!!!

By pifad at 20,Nov,13 22:09 other posts of pifad 
All the wanks I ever had at urinals turned into oral sex sessions. Yum Yum
By #286963 at 20,Nov,13 23:31
I totally agree, I don't ever remember having a wank at a public urinal that hasn't led to something much more enjoyable...
By pifad at 21,Nov,13 04:40 other posts of pifad 

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