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relation between mocking about size and cant pee on urinal

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Started by #110942 at 22,Oct,10 22:35
Since i was 17 i cant use a urinal with someone else in the room me. Sometimes i cant doo it on a closed stall if someone else is on bathroom. i think it started after a college buddy mocked about my small sized cock. It is still a problem because for example i avoid doing long trips (at work or with friends) because i cant pee if we stop on a gas station for that purpose. Or sometimes it is very common to stop on route to pee next to the way. Sorry my english. Anyone else has this problem?

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By #33070 at 23,Oct,10 02:49
Man I have the same prob. I hate using urinals in public , especially if the room is quiet. I have no idea why , when someone else is there it's like my tap is turned right off no matter how bad I had to go. By the way I don't know what he was makin fun of buddy your cock looks big enough

By #110942 at 23,Oct,10 00:21
yhanks for comment!! the problem is that i cant do it, but really i want, but liquid dont go out!
By #7976 at 23,Oct,10 00:35
If you can, try running the water in a faucet while your peeing. The sound of running water sometimes helps get pee flowing.

By #7976 at 23,Oct,10 00:02
Dude, if your small a lot of other men are in trouble. Who the hell cares what other jerks say about your penis size. If it works, your woman (or man) friends like it, and it functions as advertised, then you have the perfect size cock.

Go to the nearest private spot and pee outdoors. If some one spots you, don't stop, just pee like you own the place. After your used to pissing in private outside, proudly walk into a bathroom, slide up to a urinal, unzip, pull your cock straight several times, and imagine your still in the woods. If someone checks you out, say thanks for the interest, shake it off, and go on your way. Zipping up on the way out of course.

What ever happens, never be embarrassed with what nature gave you.

By admin at 22,Oct,10 22:55 other posts of admin 
Many people feel uncomfortable too pee when someone is nearby or watching. I doubt it depends on dick size. From my observations it depends on a general local society culture and the family. People who come from a family with many (over 2) kids are usually less shy when taking care of their "natural needs". Also, there are some societies where you can piss on street in daylight and no one is going to tell you anything. It's quite typical in many countries of South America, for example.

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