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Fucking a drunk woman

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Started by #189662 at 14,Nov,12 20:05
This past saturday night I went out with a bunch of friends and agreed to be the dd, designated driver. Finally the bars closed and I began taking them all home. All of them drunk as hell. The last ones I took home was my best friend and his new wife. She's 25 years younger than us and hot as hell. They were both blitzed and when I got them to their house they had ****. I took him in, almost dragging his ass and threw him across the bed. Then carried her inside, she's a little petite red head so no problem carrying her. When I got her to the bed I laid her down and she rolled over and her short dress rode up exposing her fine bare ass. She wasn't wearing panties. I stood there looking at her ass, getting hard. They were both out so I gently spread her legs to get a look at her pussy. It was fine and shaved and very wet. I slid my finger in her cunt and rubbed some juices on it, then tasted her cunt juice, dammit she tasted good. So I gently pulled her legs off the side of the bed and kneeled behind her, slipping my tongue inside her hot pussy, licking it up and down and licking her ass too, I heard a little moan from her so knew she could feel it. I kept licking between her cunt lips and felt her quiver just slightly. My cock was rock hard so I stood up and unzipped, letting my big 8 inch cock pop out. My heart was pounding and I was so excited about what I was about to do. I pushed my cock against her little pussy and it slid right in. I pulled her ass cheeks apart and kept pushing until it was all inside her hot pussy. Then slowly I began to fuck her. My heart was racing and a huge cumshot was building fast. I couldn't hold back and let it go, shooting a huge load of cum inside her belly. I kept it buried deep until the pulsations subsided then slowly withdrew, cum gushed out of her hot box when I pulled it out. She was moaning but still ****. So I gently lifted her back onto the bed and eased out of their house. The next day she called me and thanked me for getting them home safely. I told her it was my pleasure and that I will be their dd anytime they want to go out. She has no idea I fucked her and shot a huge load of cum inside her twat. I'm looking forward to next saturday night.
Hey what are friends for?

Similar topics: 1.Have you ever brought a woman to orgasm without fucking?   2.fucking when you're drunk   3.drunk bj   4.Me drunk and passed out   5.The Official Oops! I'm Technically Inept Forum (and Apology if Necessary)  

New Comment

By boc at 24,Nov,12 19:27 other posts of boc 
So you are admitting to ****? You do realize that the inability for a person to give consent to intercourse makes the act **** for the willing participant?

By #208421 at 15,Nov,12 14:51
I think your holding the ruler backwards, it looks more like 4 inches

By #200604 at 15,Nov,12 14:29
Of course what he describes is ****, he should be locked up.
Mind you, I think he is lying.

By #119764 at 14,Nov,12 22:47
only time i had sex with a drunk girl, it was my gf and i was drunker than she was

By Ray10754 at 14,Nov,12 20:17 other posts of Ray10754 
Well I dont want to burst your bubble bud!! But your not a friend at all to thos people,A friend Would have gotten them home safe and went on his way back home.
Weather you know it or not,weather you even care or not, what you say you did is a huge mistrust of a friendship!!
I sure am gld your not a friend of mine
By #313314 at 14,Nov,12 20:18
This constitutes as r a p e too. What an ass.
By #303133 at 14,Nov,12 20:22
Yep. Looks like we got us a rapist who likes to brag about it.
By Ray10754 at 14,Nov,12 20:28 other posts of Ray10754 
After reading this post again, I tend to belive that it is a bunch of bullshit. He states that he Quote! (Let my big 8 inch cock pop out). Looking at his profile photos (If they are infact photos of him) Im sorry to say, that is no 8 inches of cock!unless your measuring it with a ruler that is missing several inches in the beginning !!!
Sounds like a guy that is looking for attention
By #313314 at 14,Nov,12 20:29
Lol, you Ninja'ed in on my post Ray.
By Ray10754 at 14,Nov,12 20:30 other posts of Ray10754 
oops sorry

By #297360 at 14,Nov,12 20:45
If this story is in fact just a story which it probably is; it belongs in some dark damp corner of the internet amd not here
By Ray10754 at 14,Nov,12 20:47 other posts of Ray10754 
I agree completly

By #218130 at 14,Nov,12 20:45
If true, with a friend like you, who needs enemies!

By #218130 at 14,Nov,12 20:39
Should we take this with a pinch of salt or rather a whole fucking bag? Fantasy Land? What an imagination!

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